10 hermit crab accessories you need to live the crustacean life


Hermit crabs are so much fun to own! They’re very active pets that need a lot of quality time from their owners. As with any pet, you’ll need supplies and accessories in order for them to live a happy life. Here’s my list of hermit crab accessories I’ve found useful over the years:

Proper Tank

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your tank. You need to make sure that it’s at least 10 gallons, made of a material that is resistant to humidity, and has a screen lid. The substrate you use should be non-toxic and easy for hermit crabs to burrow in.

You should also have a thermometer and hygrometer set up in your tank so that you can keep track of the temperature and humidity levels inside it at all times. If these two numbers are off balance (for example if there’s too much or not enough moisture), then this may lead to problems for your hermit crabs such as shell rot or dehydration.

Food Dish

A good food dish is not only a place where your hermit crab can eat, but it’s also a place that the hermit crab can’t drown. The best food dishes are shallow and wide. This will allow the food to be spread out in the dish, so if your hermit crab eats quickly, you don’t have to worry about them becoming dehydrated or starving due to lack of space between pieces of fruit or other treats you have fed them.

The food dish needs to be easy to clean and made out of material that won’t chip or break easily when dropped by accident onto hardwood floors (you know how clumsy people get). Many people use plastic bowls for this purpose—they’re cheap and come in many different sizes. You can buy one at any local grocery store for under $10 USD!

Water Dish

A water dish is the most important accessory you can get for your hermit crabs. Hermit crabs drink water and if they don’t have a proper place to do so, they’ll die. The water dish needs to be shallow with a lip so that it won’t spill easily when your crab climbs in or out of it. The best way to keep it clean is by using an old sock, mesh bag or mesh laundry basket inside as a liner for the dish. If you do use something like this, make sure you check on it every day to see how dirty it is! Change out the water every week or two depending on how often your crabs drink from their dish – remember: less than once per week means too little moisture!

Beach-Like Substrate

The substrate is the material that goes on the bottom of your tank. You’ll need to replace it every few months, depending on how much your hermit crabs like to dig or rearrange things in their environment. Crabs love to bury themselves in sand when they sleep, so if you want to replicate this experience for them in your own home, you’ll want a substrate that’s easy to find at pet stores and affordable enough that you can change it out regularly without breaking the bank!

Substrates come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes and textures—some are smooth and fine-grained while others are coarse or sharp; some are natural earthy colors like browns or reds while others glow bright green under UV lighting (perfect for those who own reptiles). Whatever kind of substrate you choose will depend on personal preference as well as what type works best with whatever setup you have at home (if any).

Thermometer and Humidity Meter

Hermit crabs are tropical animals and need high humidity. This is why a hygrometer is essential for hermit crab owners to monitor the temperature and humidity in their crabitat.

A hygrometer is a device that measures humidity levels, usually by measuring temperature and relative humidity (RH). If you’re looking for something more accurate than a simple thermometer, then get an electronic one that shows the RH as well as the temperature in real time.

Hidey Holes

The shell is important to your hermit crab, but you also have to make sure they have enough space in their little homes.

The most popular place to put a hidey hole is on top of the substrate so that it’s easy for them to get into when they want some privacy.

You could also create a small cave by putting two bowls next to each other and covering it with moss or some other decor. This will provide a little more protection from predators and keep the humidity levels high enough for your crabby friend. You can even add a piece of driftwood inside if you want!

One thing I recommend doing though is making sure that there’s enough room inside for their food dish as well as their entire body including its shell, because those things take up valuable space!

Accessories for Climbing

Hermit crabs need to climb. They’re going to want something in their tank that they can use and explore, and getting them a climbing vine or two will help them do that while also giving you an opportunity to add some color and interest to your hermit crab enclosure.

There are a few different ways you can go about adding climbing accessories for your hermit crabs:

  • You can buy a pre-made climbing vine from the pet store. This is probably one of the easiest ways because it means less thinking on your part, but it does come with its own pros and cons. On one hand, you get all the benefits of having an official product; on the other hand, those products often aren’t made out of anything particularly durable or safe for your hermit crabs (see below).
  • You can make your own by using things from around home—just make sure whatever materials you use don’t contain any toxic chemicals or even bleach residue! We recommend using things like cotton rope or pantyhose material as alternatives if necessary just make sure not too much friction is created between surfaces when doing so since this could cause damage over time due to friction burns against shells etc., especially if they’re made out of soft materials like plastic instead of harder surfaces such as ceramic tile which would reduce risk factors significantly if any at all depending upon which brand/type was chosen specifically since some might have already been treated with chemicals designed specifically for preventing mold growth etc., whereas others may not be treated at all so buyer beware here.”

Cleaning Accessories

  • Cleaning supplies.

The first things you’re going to need are cleaning supplies. Your pet will have some droppings, and you’ll need something to remove them with. There are a few different kinds of cleaning equipment available:

  • A dish scrubber
  • A sponge (or sponge mop)
  • Water source: You should always have a large bowl of water for your hermit crabs, as well as a smaller one for carrying around in case they get thirsty outside their tank. If it’s particularly hot in your environment, put ice cubes in the “travel” bowl so that they can stay cool while out exploring – this will also make sure they don’t dehydrate!

Extras to be Adventurous

  • Hermit crabs love to explore, so give them a variety of shells and toys to choose from.
  • Give them treats every now and then, like fruit or veggies. Just make sure they’re safe for hermit crabs!
  • A sandbox is great for playtime. You can even bury treats in there too!
  • Add a water feature or night light to keep your hermit crabs happy in the dark (they like it!).

Pet hermit crabs are a unique pet to own, but you can have a lot of fun with them!

  • Hermit crabs are not just for kids.
  • They are great pets for adults!
  • Hermit crabs make interesting pets to watch, and they’re easy to care for.
  • Hermit crab care is not expensive at all.


I hope this post has helped to answer any questions you have about hermit crabs. There’s a lot of information out there on how to care for them, but these ten accessories will make sure that your pet has everything he or she needs and is happy in their new home with you!

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