Table of Contents
My friend is a single guy who’s not ready to have children, but he does want a dog. I think he made the right decision. Pets are fun to have around because they don’t expect you to do things for them like human children do (with some exceptions). They’ll be happy with your attention and that’s about it. Kids want your attention but also want things done for them as well – whether it be making sure they’re fed at regular intervals or cleaning up after them when they make messes. At the end of the day though, both pets and children require time, dedication, and patience and they can both be rewarding in some way regardless of the pain they can cause you. So if you’re considering having kids someday soon but aren’t sure if this is right for you then maybe get yourself a pet first?
Pets are fun to have, but children aren’t.
Pets are fun to have, but children aren’t. Pets don’t expect you to do things for them and they don’t ask for attention. They know what their role is in your life and they accept it. Kids want your attention, but also want things done for them as well. They take up all of your time, then complain when you stop doing something that isn’t fun anymore (like reading a book or playing with toys) because they’re bored!
Pets are fun because they don’t expect you to do things for them.
Pets are fun because they don’t expect you to do things for them. They don’t demand that you take them on vacation with you, or that you get their clothing in a certain color or style, or that they have money in their pockets so they can buy their own toys and treats. They don’t ask for anything at all. In fact, pets just want to be around people and enjoy the company of others—and who doesn’t want that?
We live in a world where children are being taught from an early age how to be “entitled” and demanding; this makes it difficult for them later on when they have to learn how to be self-sufficient adults. Pets don’t need any of those things; all they require is love (which is something we should all have), food (you need food too), water (same here), shelter from the elements (who doesn’t?), companionship from other animals if possible but not necessary (it’s nice when available).
They’ll be happy with your attention and that’s about it.
Pets are not demanding. They don’t expect you to play with them all the time, or buy them things, or do something they say (except maybe fetch). They just want to be around you and that’s it.
Kids want your attention but want things done for them as well.
- Kids want your attention, but they also want things done for them.
- They require an enormous amount of care and maintenance, from feeding to bathing to clothing and sheltering.
- The child needs its parents because it is not self-sufficient at all.
Pets are loyal, kids are just annoying.
Pets are loyal, kids are just annoying. Pets will never leave you, but they can die. Pets will always be there for you, but they can be annoying. Pets will never call you names or make fun of you, but they can be annoying. Pets have been proven to take away some of the stress from everyday life and help relieve anxiety and depression in people who have those issues. Kids on the other hand do not reduce stress at all in most cases; if anything it increases it because then there’s another mouth to feed which means more money going out each month from your paycheck; plus now instead of getting a babysitter once every so often when we go out or have friends over for dinner parties/babysitting sessions with our friends’ children (which usually ends up being more expensive than hiring someone else), we now have to hire someone full time (or two part times) so that my husband can work when he needs too without having any worries about leaving me alone with our future child(ren).
At the end of the day though, both pets and children require time, dedication, and patience and they can both be rewarding in some way regardless of the pain they can cause you.
At the end of the day though, both pets and children require time, dedication and patience and they can both be rewarding in some way regardless of the pain they can cause you. I personally think that a pet is better than a child because they are less demanding on your time and energy (at least in my opinion).
However, if you have kids or want to start a family soon then you should consider getting rid of your pets as it can be difficult to raise children with a pet at home.
Pets are better than Children but they can both teach you valuable lessons in life.
If you are considering having children, I strongly recommend that you also get a pet. If for no other reason than to keep your sanity in check when things get tough, it’s worth having a dog or cat around the house.
Children can teach us many valuable lessons about life; however, they are also time consuming and require much more work than most people expect. Pets do not have to be taught how to behave properly because they have never had any training at all (they learned from nature). They also don’t require constant supervision because they know their boundaries very well and will not go where they shouldn’t go without permission from their owner(s).
Pets can provide emotional support when needed but also serve as great companions with whom we can share meaningful conversations while relaxing on the couch together after a long day at work or school.”
So there you have it, my personal thoughts on why pets are better than children. I know some of these points might seem like a stretch but I believe in them wholeheartedly and hope that if you’re considering having a child then maybe this blog post will help sway your decision one way or another. Feel free to leave any comments below about what you think about my points or even if you just want more information about the subject!