Hermie and the Place to Play


Hermie’s first day in his new home was pretty exciting. It was also a little bit lonely, but I’m not going to tell Mr. Shaw that because he thinks it’s important for me to be self-sufficient and independent so I can learn how to find food and protect myself from predators if he ever gets eaten by an alligator or something (that’s never happened before). But today wasn’t all bad! There were toys everywhere! And those kids who came up to the window? They were really nice. They played video games with me while their mom bought some stuff at the store.

Hermie and the Place to Play

Hermie is a hermit crab. He lives in a toy store and his owner is Mr. Shaw. The store window where Hermie’s new home is located is the perfect place for him because he can crawl around and have fun, but he also has friends who live inside the toy store!

Day 1

  • You could say that Hermie’s home is a toy store.
  • Or you could say that the toy store is, in fact, his home. Either way, it works out fine for him. He doesn’t mind living in a place where he has to share space with all kinds of toys and items for sale because he’s also very fond of toys himself—especially Legos! He loves them so much that one night when he was watching TV there was an advertisement for them and it made him cry.

He lives here with two human friends who take care of him: Mr. Shaw—a man who owns the store—and Mrs. Shaw (his wife). It’s not easy being a hermit crab sometimes since we need shells to protect ourselves against predators like fish or other crabs but since we’re land animals now we’ve adapted by using different materials instead such as clay pots instead which work just as well while allowing us access inside without having to worry about getting eaten alive by some hungry fish trying desperately hard not only survive but thrive too!”

Dear Blog,


My name is Hermie and I am a hermit crab. My owner, Tonya, found me while she was in the toy store. She said that she really liked my shell and wanted to bring me home. I was very scared at first because I didn’t know where this new place was but now I love it here in the toy shop.

Every day when she brings me out of my shell, she gives me some food and water and plays with me for a while. Then she puts me back into my shell so that I can rest until tomorrow when we do it again!

Today I got a new home in a storefront window. As soon as my owner, Mr. Shaw, put me down in my new home I climbed a toy train to explore my surroundings. There were lots of fun toys around. I used my spindly legs to climb a stuffed rabbit and see if he wanted to be friends. Then I moved on to a plastic tricycle, but it wasn’t very comfortable so I kept going. Next I found some coloring books that seemed like they would be fun to play with but Mr. Shaw took them away before I could try them out. He put them down on a table where some kids were sitting! After that I just wandered around for a bit until I got tired and went back into my shell because it was bedtime. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting?

In this blog post, we’ll be following Hermie as he explores his new home and makes a few friends.

Hermie is a hermit crab who lives in Mr. Shaw’s toy store window display. Hermie can’t do much while he’s living in the store—he only has spindly legs that can’t carry him very far—but that doesn’t mean he won’t try!

What an exciting first day!

Hermie and the Place to Play is a blog about a hermit crab that lives in a toy store. Hermie’s friend, Stuffed Bunny, came with him when he moved into his new home at the toy store. Everything is so exciting for Hermie! He loves exploring his new place and playing with all of the cool toys.

You can see pictures of Hermie on our Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hermitcrabber/.


I hope you enjoyed reading about my first day in my new home! I’m so glad my owner found me the perfect place to live and play.

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