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It’s no secret that dog owners are a happy bunch. But what they might not realize is that there are actually a number of health benefits associated with owning a dog—and that these benefits go beyond the obvious emotional ones. So if you’re in need of some further convincing (or just really like dogs), here are five surprising ways your pooch can improve your health:
Owning a dog is an extremely rewarding experience.
Owning a dog is an extremely rewarding experience. Not only do they give you unconditional love and loyalty, but they also help you unwind after a stressful day and make you feel better when you’re down.
Dogs are great companions. They can be your best friend, as well as keeping your home safe while you’re out running errands or working late nights at the office. This type of affection not only has positive psychological effects on us humans, but it also makes us healthier! In fact, numerous studies have shown that owning dogs can reduce blood pressure and boost our immune system function by lowering cortisol levels (which helps with stress)
And while most people know that it’s satisfying and great fun, they might not be so aware of the health benefits that come with being a canine parent.
And while most people know that it’s satisfying and great fun, they might not be so aware of the health benefits that come with being a canine parent.
In fact, dogs can be very beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional health. Here are 5 surprising ways that having a dog can improve your life:
Here are five surprising ways your dog can benefit your health: You’ll walk more.
- You’ll walk more. This is one of the most obvious benefits of owning a dog, and one of the best ones.
- Walking is good for your mental health. Whether you’re out with your pooch or by yourself, walking has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety while improving moods and increasing quality of sleep.
- It’s also good for your physical health. Not only does it get you moving, but regular exercise can help prevent heart disease and type 2 diabetes—both of which are on the rise in developed countries like Australia—and even lower blood pressure!
- And finally, it’s great for your social health: studies show that interacting with other people helps protect against loneliness, which can be harmful both mentally and physically in its own right (not to mention how hard it makes finding love).
You’ll get more hugs.
If you own a dog, chances are good that you’ve received more hugs than you can count. And here’s the thing: they’re not just there because they’re cute and want to cuddle with their owner (though they do). Hugs are scientifically proven to help relieve stress, improve sleep quality and even help strengthen relationships with other people. Dogs love to give and receive hugs—and if your dog doesn’t know how to give them back yet, well then that’s another reason for the two of you to practice together!
You’ll have less anxiety.
You’ll have less anxiety.
If you’re a dog owner, it’s likely that you’ve noticed how your furry friend seems to help reduce stress and anxiety. The simple act of petting or playing with your dog lowers cortisol levels in the brain, which is associated with stress relief. And according to one study published in Psychiatric Services, the physical contact from a pet can even increase the amount of serotonin released in your brain—the chemical responsible for feelings of happiness and contentment!
Dogs also provide companionship during stressful times, such as when one experiences depression or after a traumatic event. Dogs can truly be beneficial when it comes to helping people cope with loss such as death because they give unconditional love without judgment so they can be there no matter what happens in life.”
You may even live longer.
One of the most interesting benefits is that owning a dog can help you live longer. Studies have shown that dog owners are less likely to suffer from heart disease or cancer, and they have a lower risk of dying prematurely than people who do not own pets.
Another interesting benefit is that dogs can help prevent depression. The reason for this is simple: people with pets tend to be happier overall, which in turn lowers their chance of developing depression later in life. These days, there are plenty of ways to get exercise—you don’t even have to leave your house! But if you want something more competitive and fulfilling than just jumping rope or running on a treadmill at home (even though those things are great), then why not try playing fetch with your furry pal? This game will get both of your hearts pumping as well as allow both of you to stretch out those legs after sitting around all day long doing nothing but eating fast food off dirty tables covered with crumbs from other people’s meals! And let’s face it: nothing beats having someone love you unconditionally no matter what happens during the day; especially when that someone has four legs instead two human feet attached at each end by human knees.”
Your blood pressure will improve.
- Your blood pressure will improve.
- Dogs can help lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety and increase physical activity. The study “Dogs as an Attachment Figure: The Effect of Dog Ownership on Blood Pressure” showed that dog owners tend to be more active than non-owners, which is good for the heart. A UK study found that pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
The next time you’re feeling down, just head over to your pooch for a quick lift.
You’ve heard it before: dogs are great for your mental health. And it’s true! The next time you’re feeling down, just head over to your pooch for a quick lift.
Your dog is a loyal companion who will listen when no one else will. They provide warmth on cold days and joy in times of stress, but most importantly, they offer unconditional love—something that’s hard to come by these days. If having an emotional support system like this doesn’t sound amazing enough already, here are some other ways that owning a dog can benefit your mental health:
- Dogs reduce stress and anxiety levels in their owners
- Dog owners are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than people without pets
Dogs are a great source of comfort, and they can help you get through some rough times. If you’re feeling down or anxious, just head over to your pooch for a quick lift. Not only will they make you feel better by providing unconditional love and affection (and maybe even some belly rubs), but they might also be able to provide other health benefits as well! So next time you’re thinking about getting one of these furry friends for yourself – don’t hesitate any longer!