5 Ways to Keep your Akita Happy and Healthy


Akitas are probably the most misunderstood dog breed. They’re massive, they have a single-minded focus on their owners, and they can be aggressive toward strangers—all of which has led to them being stereotyped as dangerous. But while these traits may make Akitas seem scary at first (not unlike real-life monsters), they’re actually incredibly loyal dogs who love nothing more than getting attention from their humans. As an owner of one myself, I know how important it is to keep an Akita happy and healthy so that he or she can live long and prosper with you for many years to come! In this blog post, I’ll share some tips on how to do just that:

1. Take it for a walk every day.

The first way to keep your Akita happy and healthy is to take it for a walk every day. Your dog will get exercise, you will enjoy the time together, and it can act as a bonding experience between you and your dog. It’s also a great way for both of you to burn off some energy!

Akita are very loyal dogs who love spending time with their owners. Taking him on walks is a great way for both of you to burn off some energy! Plus, when you go out walking with one another, he’ll be more likely to listen to what you have to say (and vice versa).

2. Start its training early.

Training your Akita begins at home. Start by teaching the basics: sit, stay, and heel. Teach it to walk on a leash and come when called. As your dog gets older, teach it not to jump up on people or other pets and be quiet when left alone in the house. Finally, when an Akita is old enough to eat without help from its owner (usually around 9 months), teach it how to wait patiently for its food until you give an OK before eating any treat or mealtime kibble.

3. Give it a job to do.

  • Give it a job to do.

There are lots of ways you can give your dog a job to do, but the most obvious one is to train it as a therapy or service dog. These dogs make great pets for people who need help getting around, like people with visual impairments or Alzheimer’s disease. They also offer companionship and unconditional love, which is something everyone can benefit from!

If you feel like going the more traditional route and training your dog for more traditional jobs like agility competitions or search-and-rescue work (which is what I did), these are great options as well!

4. Brush it every day.

If your dog is anything like my Akita, he has a thick coat of hair that needs to be brushed every day. The best tools for this are bristled brushes and pin brushes. The bristled brush works well for removing tangles in the coat, while the pin brush helps to remove any dead hair. You can use either type of brush on your dog’s teeth too! Brushing your Akita’s teeth daily will help keep them healthy and strong!

5. Feed it high-quality food every day to keep it from getting fat and unhealthy.

  • Feed it high-quality food every day to keep it from getting fat and unhealthy.

Feeding your Akita high-quality food will help keep its weight at a healthy level, which is important for a dog with joint problems like the Akita’s. High quality food is not expensive and you should feed your dog at least twice a day to make sure that it gets enough exercise to burn off the calories it eats.

An Akita needs lots of love, walks, and high-quality food to stay happy and healthy

An Akita needs lots of love, walks, and high-quality food to stay happy and healthy. They are also very loyal dogs, so they need you to spend time with them every day. Your Akita should be walked at least once a day as well as trained early on in life so he knows basic commands such as sit, stay and come when called. A job is another way that you can give your dog a purpose in life which will help keep him healthy both mentally and physically.

Akitas typically have thick double coats with lots of hair around their face making it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature on hot days or cold nights without frequent grooming and brushing which must be done daily if possible (more often than weekly). Choosing the right food is important too since they consume up more energy than other breeds because they are always moving around so much!


An Akita is a wonderful and loyal dog that needs lots of love, walks, and high-quality food to stay happy and healthy. But they are also a big commitment, so it’s important to make sure you’re ready for all of the responsibilities before you adopt one of these beautiful creatures into your home!

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