8 Reasons To Get A Gerbil


Gerbils are adorable little critters that make for great pets. They’re friendly, curious and easy to take care of. So if you’re thinking about getting a new furry friend, consider adding a gerbil to your family!

Gerbils are small rodents that can make excellent pets.

Gerbils are small furry rodents that make excellent pets. They have a long life span, and they can be kept in a small cage. Gerbils are curious and entertaining, but they will also spend time sleeping when you’re not interacting with them.

If you’re thinking about getting a pet gerbil, here are some reasons why:

Gerbils are curious and outgoing.

Gerbils are curious, social animals. They are active and playful and will explore the environment around them. Gerbils in captivity are often kept in pairs or groups so that they can play with each other, which is essential for their mental health. The best way to introduce a new gerbil into your home is by providing lots of safe toys and hiding places for it to enjoy; this will help ensure that your new pet has plenty of things to do as well as having plenty of company when it’s feeling lonely (which might happen if you work long hours).

This outgoing nature makes them great pets for families with children who want an animal best suited to their energy level – young children may find some larger species too intimidating but gerbils love being held close!

They are easy to take care of and don’t need a huge cage.

Gerbils are easy to take care of. They don’t need a huge cage, and they can be kept in pairs or groups. Gerbils are social animals, meaning that if you keep one gerbil, it will be happier if there is another one around as well. If you have more than two gerbils, they should all be placed together in the same cage (though it should still be large enough for them to move around).

Gerbils are easy to tame.

Gerbils are easy to tame. Do you know what the word “tame” means? It means they like to be around people, and they’ll get used to you quickly. Most gerbils can be trained to do tricks, such as going in and out of a stick or tunnel. In fact, if you pet them every day for a few minutes with your fingertips over their head or back, they will eventually come up and lick your fingers!

They have great personalities.

Gerbils are very social animals, and they love to play. They enjoy being petted and cuddled, and can be especially affectionate toward their owners. They are curious, outgoing, intelligent and easy to train.

They have a long lifespan.

Gerbils are one of the longest-living small rodents. They can live for up to 10 years! Other small rodents, such as mice and hamsters, only live for about 2 or 3 years.

Having a gerbil as a pet is also a great choice for kids because they are easy to take care of and don’t need much space. For example: A gerbil needs only about 1 square foot (30 cm) of space per animal in its cage—that’s smaller than an average hamster cage!

They don’t smell – if you clean their cage regularly, that is.

Gerbils are very clean animals, but they do have a strong sense of smell. If you keep their cage clean, they will not stink up your house. Your gerbil will mark his territory with scents that come from his glands and by peeing on things in his cage. This can make the air in your home smell like a gerbil cage unless you regularly clean it out.

To keep your gerbil’s cage fresh and odor-free:

  • Remove all old bedding once a week and replace with new litter or fresh paper towels/tissues (if using).
  • Give him plenty of toys to chew on so he doesn’t pee on them for comfort (or boredom).

They’re entertaining!

Gerbils are entertaining. In fact, they’re so entertaining that you’ll find yourself laughing at them and watching them do their own little gerbil things for hours on end. They are very active and playful, and they can be trained to do tricks such as walking on a leash or responding to their names. You will never get bored with these little rodents!

They’re affordable pets.

Gerbils are very affordable pets. Depending on the type of gerbil you purchase, the cost can vary. Gerbils are not expensive to feed either, so it’s easy to keep them healthy and happy without breaking the bank.

Gerbils can live for up to 10 years in captivity, so you’ll have many opportunities to get acquainted with your furry friend(s).

They’re great for kids and adults alike!

Gerbils make great pets for both children and adults alike. They’re cute and easy to tame, they don’t smell like some other rodents, they’re inexpensive to own and maintain, and they can be entertaining little critters. So if you’re looking for a new pet—or just want something fun to do on the weekend—getting a gerbil might be just what you need!


So they’re not just cute, they’re also great pets! They’re low maintenance, easy to take care of and they don’t smell if you clean their cage regularly. They have a long lifespan and can even be trained. They’re also entertaining – their personalities are very lovable and goofy!

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