A Guide to Buying a Kitten on Craigslist


If you’re looking to bring a new kitten into your home, the best place to find one is at a reputable pet store. However, there are times when the perfect kitten can’t be found at your local pet store. That’s when you should consider buying from an ad on Craigslist or other classified ads. Although this might seem like a scary proposition (and it can be!), there are ways to make sure that the seller and their litter are safe and healthy. Here are some tips for making sure your next feline friend comes from good stock:

Consider having the litter box checked by a veterinarian if you’re unsure about the cleanliness of a potential kitten’s home.

If you are concerned about the cleanliness of a potential kitten’s home, consider having your vet check out their litter box. This is a quick and easy way to gain some peace of mind before buying a cat. The veterinarian will be able to tell if the cat is healthy and whether or not they have parasites (such as fleas).

Be wary of sellers who are unwilling to answer your questions.

Be wary of sellers who are unwilling to answer your questions. This could be a sign that they’re not a good breeder and/or trying to hide something. It could also mean that they’re unwilling to commit themselves to the health and well-being of their kittens, which can be an indication that there’s something wrong with them.

If you can’t see the mother cat, ask the seller to describe her to you.

If you can’t see the mother cat, ask the seller to describe her to you. A good mother will be affectionate, attentive and protective of her kittens. She’ll groom them regularly and keep their fur clean by licking them clean. If she seems weak or sickly, it could be a sign that she needs veterinary assistance.

If you think that any of these traits are present in your prospective cat, don’t hesitate to ask questions about where it came from and how old it is (you want to avoid purchasing an older kitten).

Find out if the kittens were vaccinated.

If a kitten has not been vaccinated, you need to take them in for the first round of shots. This will cost between $75 and $100. You should also make sure that the seller has all of their paperwork so that you can keep track of when the next round of vaccinations are due and how often they should be administered.

If you want to get your kittens vaccinated, but don’t want to pay for it yourself, some shelters offer this service for free or a small donation. The ASPCA’s [AKC-approved] website offers information about where you can find low-cost kitten vaccinations in your area (as well as tips on how to care for young kittens).

Buying a kitten can be stressful, even when buying from a reputable pet store.

Buying a kitten can be stressful, even when buying from a reputable pet store. The place you get your new bundle of love has to match your needs and expectations. Whether they’re going to be an indoor kitty or an outdoor buddy, there are many things to consider before bringing them home.

Let’s start with the basics: kittens need food and water that meet their nutritional needs as well as toys that will keep them entertained while they wait for their new homes to arrive!


If you’re buying a kitten from Craigslist, it can be stressful. It’s always better to know exactly what you’re getting into before you commit to bringing home a new pet. Luckily, there are steps you can take to make sure your new little friend is healthy and happy in their new home!

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