Beagles Are Stupid Dogs. This Viral Facebook Post Proves it


Beagles are smart dogs. Beagles are also stupid dogs. The Facebook post that went viral over the weekend showed a photo of a beagle with a piece of paper taped to its head, and the caption reads: “This is why I don’t let my dog read books.” The implication is that if you give your pet beagle something to read, it will end up looking like this.

A photo of a dog with a piece of paper taped to its head went viral this week, as an example for how stupid beagles can be.

In the photo, a beagle is sitting with a piece of paper taped to its head. The photo was posted by Melissa Manning, who goes by @melissammanning on Twitter and Facebook. She claims that she found it on her mother’s phone and posted it as an example for how stupid beagles can be.

She wrote: “This is a 1-year-old boy’s dog that he has brought home from school for the weekend. It seems to have no idea how to get around without getting lost or confused most times! This picture was taken when we were leaving his house after dinner yesterday evening and he had gone upstairs for something – thought I would share this with everyone too! #stupiddogs

The post inspired many beagle owners to come to the defense of their dogs.

But the post was met with a wave of backlash from beagle owners, who felt it minimized the intelligence of their dogs.

Beagles are known for their “baying” when they smell something interesting and trail-hunting behavior, but they also have an excellent sense of smell and can follow scents as well as bloodhounds, according to the American Kennel Club.

The fact that one man’s experience with his own beagle does not reflect all beagles has been underscored by countless other stories shared on social media by proud owners whose dogs have proved themselves to be quite smart indeed.

However, some research has shown that beagles are actually not stupid.

However, some research has shown that beagles are actually not stupid. In a study by the University of Georgia, it was found that beagles were able to learn basic behaviors much faster than other dog breeds. Another study by Auburn University indicated that beagles were able to learn new commands up to 30% faster than goldendoodles and German shepherds

Beagles are smart dogs, and their owners should never put objects on their heads for any reason.

You may have seen the viral Facebook post, or one like it. It shows a beagle wearing a hat and glasses with the caption, “Beagles are stupid dogs who will do anything for attention.” Is this true? Well, not exactly! In fact, there is no way that you can use this information to accurately describe the intelligence of any beagle in particular.

In truth, all dogs—including beagles—have their own unique personalities and capabilities when it comes to learning new tricks or commands from their owners. Some dogs are more intelligent than others; some dogs take longer than others to learn new tricks or commands; some dogs love performing tricks for treats while other dogs don’t care about treats at all (and instead prefer going outside). Each dog has his own set of skills and strengths that he can use in different ways depending on what kind of family environment he’s living in as well as what type of owner he has (or even if he lives alone without any human companionship).


Beagles are not stupid dogs, and their owners should never put anything on their heads. They’re smart animals who deserve our respect and love as any other pet would.

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