Table of Contents
If you’re like me, you’ve always been drawn to the big, beautiful things in life. And if you’re like me, then this blog is for you. We’ll explore my life as a dog and all of the things that make being a very large dog so great – from being able to pick up heavy things (like my ball) to having lots of space (and toys) to play with!
Big Dominant Male
Your dog is a big male. He is a dominant male and he needs to express his dominance by having you get on your knees, getting down on his level, and worshipping him like the god he is.
Big, Beautiful Babies
Big Dog is a good dog. He knows that he’s big and strong, but he also knows how to be gentle and kind. Big Dog has been a father for several years now, and his babies are quite beautiful!
Big Dog loves his family very much, but he sometimes finds himself torn between their needs and those of his packmates. Big Dog does not want to abandon the other dogs who need him to help them with tasks like hunting or guarding their territory from coyotes; however, there are many days when he must spend hours away from them in order to provide for his family: providing food, keeping them warm in winter weather by laying down next to them on cold nights (which can be uncomfortable), playing fetch with them when they’re bored out of their minds sitting indoors all day…
It can get lonely being so far away from everyone else during these long days at work—but then again: it’s worth it!
Big, Clumsy Feet
Big, clumsy feet
Big feet are big and clumsy. Big feet are big because they are big; they are clumsy because they are big; they are both big and clumsy. Big dogs have giant paws on the ground where people’s often small ones would be. These giant paws can do some damage to your home—you should make sure to watch out for them if you have a large dog in your life!
Big, Very Wet Tongues
Did you know that dogs have a very big tongue? Did you also know that their tongues are very wet? Did you know that the dog’s tongue is long and wide, with a pink or red color?
If you didn’t know these things, now’s your chance to learn them!
This is a dog. A very big dog. Is it the biggest dog?
You may be wondering: is this a dog? Well, yes. It is definitely a dog. You may also be wondering if this is the biggest dog in the world. The answer to that question is no, but we can get to that later.
What’s important right now is that you know what kind of animal you’re dealing with here: it’s a very big one!
So, what can we learn from the big dog? The big dog is a beautiful creature with a big heart and a big life!