How Should I Train My Dog? A blog about training dogs.


We all know that dogs are smart and capable of learning new tricks. But how do you get started? It can be daunting to think about training your dog, but it doesn’t have to be! We’re here to guide you through the process step by step. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to having a well-trained pup in no time!

Make sure you have the right equipment.

When training your dog, you will need to have the right equipment. Here are some of the things you might want to think about:

  • A clicker – This is a small plastic box that makes a clicking sound when pressed. Clickers are used in animal training because they provide immediate feedback for good behaviour and can be used as a reward in itself (when paired with a treat).
  • Leash – Dogs should always be on leash when outside of the house. If they aren’t leashed, they’ll be more likely to chase after other animals or run into traffic if they see something interesting on the road. The leash also helps keep your dog under control while walking around town so that he doesn’t cause trouble for people or other dogs nearby.
  • Crate – A crate is an enclosed space where your pet can go when it needs time alone without being able to cause any issues at home or elsewhere in your property’s vicinity. It allows for peace within all members of your household since no one has anything else distracting them from doing whatever needs doing at any given moment!

Use high-value treats as rewards.

When you reward your dog, always use high-value treats. So what makes a treat high value? First, it should be small, soft and easy to chew. Second, the treat should have some kind of emotional significance for the dog (e.g., it is associated with a loved person or activity). Finally, you must give a treat immediately after he performs the desired behavior (otherwise he’ll lose interest). When using food as a reward for training dogs, we recommend giving them intermittently instead of constantly rewarding each time they perform well.

Reward good behavior immediately.

One of the most important things you can do to train your dog is to reward good behavior. Rewarding good behavior is not only a nice thing to do, it also helps your dog learn what behaviors earn rewards and which ones don’t.

The first step in rewarding good behavior is to make sure that the reward is high value and consistent: if every time you give your dog a treat he runs away from you, then treats are not going to serve as an effective reward for him! The second step in rewarding good behavior is making sure that the reward comes immediately after the behavior occurs: if there’s no connection between what your dog does and when he receives his treat, then there’s no reason for him to think this sort of “training” is worth his while.

Finally—and this may be obvious—the third step in rewarding good behavior is giving out those rewards immediately after observing it; otherwise how will they know what they did was appropriate?

Start with something easy and work your way up.

A great way to get started with training is by keeping it simple. Start with something easy and work your way up, rather than going for something difficult right off the bat. Don’t overdo it, either—it can be tempting to try very ambitious training sessions every day, but if you’re new to training your dog, it’s best to stick with a small amount of time at first (even just five minutes per day) and increase as necessary. You’ll also want to take things slow when working through different exercises; don’t be afraid of going too fast, but rather focus on doing each step correctly so that your dog understands what he needs to do.

Train in short bursts.

Training in short bursts has a number of advantages. First, it keeps you from overworking your dog and making him/her feel exhausted or stressed out. Second, it helps ensure that you are doing the training in the best possible frame of mind—not tired and cranky after work, nor distracted with other things on your mind.

It’s also important to take breaks between training sessions so that both you and your dog can rest up for another round of lessons later on down the road!

Break down complex behaviors into more manageable tasks.

One of the best ways to train a dog is to break down complex behaviors into more manageable tasks. For example, if you want your dog to learn how to sit on command, first teach him or her to touch their nose with their paw by rewarding them with treats. Once they’ve mastered this step, gradually increase the distance between the nose and paw until they can eventually place their entire paw on top of their head while sitting. Then begin incorporating other commands such as “stay” or “down.”

When breaking down behaviors into smaller tasks, it’s important not only to reward each individual action but also make sure that your tone of voice remains positive throughout training sessions. Yelling at your pet won’t help you reach your goal; instead use positive reinforcement techniques like giving them treats after each successful phase of a trick so that they understand what exactly is expected from them. Remember: dogs respond well when given clear instructions (and lots of praise).

Anyone can train their dog using these tips!

Anyone can train their dog using these tips!

In addition to the above, you can use rewards for your dog to motivate him in a positive way. For example, if you want your dog to sit, then reward him with treats when he does so. This will teach him that sitting makes things happen (like treats!). Not only will this show your dog how to behave properly, but it will also make training more fun for both of you!


Now that you know how to train your dog, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish. You and your four-legged companion are ready for any challenge!

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