My Biggest Fear When it Comes to Puppies


I’m going to be totally honest: I’m not the bravest person in the world. I don’t like heights, and if you push me too far, I might start crying. That said, there’s one thing that scares me more than anything else in this world: puppies. Oh man—puppies are scary! But what is it about them that makes them so terrifying? What do they have over us regular people? Let’s find out:

The fear of dying alone.

When I think about my own death, the thing that scares me the most is that no one will be there when it happens. The thought of dying alone is terrifying to me. I’m not afraid of what comes after death; but I am scared of not having someone around to help ease my passing or even say goodbye to me when they find out.

I’ve seen some people go through this experience and it’s heartbreaking because they don’t seem like they want any contact with anyone at all. They are just laying there waiting for the end and no one comes by to check on them or even talk with them because everyone’s too afraid of how mad or upset they might get if someone visits them while they’re sick or dying. It breaks my heart because these people deserve better than being left alone in their last days on earth!

Family members passing away.

The death of a family member is one of the most traumatic events that can happen to you. The loss of your loved ones can be extremely difficult to deal with and it’s natural for you to feel sad about their passing.

As time goes on, it becomes easier for you to cope with their deaths but this process will always be painful, especially if they are young or old when they pass away.

Losing a puppy.

I’m not going to lie: I am petrified of losing a puppy.

I know, it sounds ridiculous. But that doesn’t make it any less true. And it also doesn’t mean that this fear isn’t justified and valid—because like everything else in life, there are valid and invalid fears. And my fear about puppies being replaced is definitely one of the former.

The thing about puppies is that you can replace them (and often times should), but they can never be replaced by another puppy who looks exactly like the one before it left us for greener pastures or whatever other reason may drive them away from home . . . You see where I’m going with this?

Having a puppy get hurt or sick.

One of the biggest fears people have when it comes to puppies is that they’ll get hurt or sick. A lot of puppies will get sick, and some may even die!

The truth is that puppy owners need to be prepared for anything that could happen with their dogs. It’s important to know what kind of care your puppy needs, what kind of food they should eat, and how much exercise they should get on a daily basis. You also need to keep an eye out for any signs that your dog might be sick or injured (like acting lethargic all day long). If you don’t notice these signs in time then there could be serious consequences for both you and your pet!

I can’t think of anything else I’m really afraid of.

I can’t think of anything else I’m really afraid of. Maybe you are, though! If so, let’s talk about it in the comments!

My biggest fear is not being able to remember my password for my Amazon account so I can’t use Prime shipping anymore.

Have you ever forgotten your Amazon account password? It’s such a huge deal. If I can’t remember my password, then I won’t be able to use Prime shipping anymore. And if there’s one thing we all know about life with puppies, it’s that we need packages to arrive fast!

What is the worst thing about having a puppy? My biggest fear is not being able to remember my password for my Amazon account so I can’t use Prime shipping anymore.


I think that my biggest fear is not being able to remember my password for my Amazon account so I can’t use Prime shipping anymore. It’s a big deal, because I buy so much stuff on there!

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