Smallest Dog Delivers Biggest Message


Midge is the smallest dog in the world. She has a big heart, and she loves to inspire others by showing them that anything is possible if you work hard enough. Midge was a stray dog rescued from a kill shelter when she was just two weeks old. She was so tiny that she needed to be bottle fed for months until she could eat on her own! Now Midge weighs only 3 pounds and stands less than 6 inches tall at full height—but don’t let her size fool you: this little lady makes an impact wherever she goes! In fact, she has made appearances with celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres and even President Obama himself (yes, really!).

Meet Midge

Meet Midge, the smallest dog in the world. Midge is a Chihuahua who tips the scales at just 2.5 ounces and stands at a diminutive 2.7 inches tall—the smallest dog ever recorded!

Despite her size, however, Midge has big dreams: to become an actor! The little lady has taken on several roles so far—most notably as “fairy” Tinkerbell in Disney’s Peter Pan Live! She also had a role in The Adventures of Sharknado 4: The Fourth Awakens (shout-out!), and was recently cast as Tinkerbell again in Avengers: Endgame. In 2020 she plans to appear with her co-star, Rocket Raccoon (voiced by Bradley Cooper), in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 – Baby Groot & Friends (a movie about baby Groots).

Midge’s Origin

Midge was born in the United States. Her parents, who were both small dogs, were both purebred—Midge’s mother was a Chihuahua, and her father was a Yorkshire Terrier.

Because Midge’s parents were so small, she inherited their tiny size and the genetic qualities of each breed. But despite being so small, she has an enormous personality!

Midge’s Record

Midge is the smallest dog in the world and she weighs only 1.3 pounds! She measures 2.4 inches long from her nose to her tail and can fit into a glass bowl. Midge was born in 2012, which means that she will be celebrating her sixth birthday this year on June 12th.

Midge’s owner is Susanne Wiant of Plano, Texas who has taken care of all five of her daughter’s dogs over the years. She says that she knew immediately when Midge was born that something was off because no one had ever seen anything like it before!

The Good News, and the Bad

The good news is that Midge is a happy dog, and she loves to travel. She gets around town in a wagon that’s pulled by her owner’s bike. She also goes on road trips in the family car, where she can hang out with her mom and dad in the back seat.

The bad news is that Midge is at risk of being stolen—and not just by other people who want to take her home! A few years ago when I was doing research for my book The Smallest Dog Ever: And Other Amazing Facts About Small Dogs, I learned about a trend of pet theft involving smaller breeds like this one. (Note: If you own a small dog yourself or are thinking about getting one, please read these tips for how to keep them safe from would-be thieves.)

There have been several cases where people have lost their pets after taking them outside without realizing they were gone until it was too late—they thought they’d left them inside at home but later realized they had actually been stolen while they were away!

Midge’s Impressive Appearances

Over the years, Midge has appeared on TV shows like “The Tonight Show” and “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” She’s also been used for charity work, political campaigns and educational purposes. And of course there is entertainment—Midge has appeared in commercials, advertisements and even had her own reality show!

She’s a celebrity dog that everyone loves to follow.

Smallest dog delivers biggest message.

In case you’re wondering, Midge is the smallest dog in the world. Her name is actually Millie Small and she’s a Chihuahua mix—and a very small one at that. She’s only 6 inches tall, which means she can fit into a teacup!

Millie was rescued from the streets of Mexico when she was just 2 months old and brought to America by her loving owner Claudia Seidel. The good news? Ms. Seidel has helped raise over $4 million for animal charities since rescuing Millie! The bad news? Because of her tiny size and booming voice (which sounds like someone with a cold), Millie cannot be around other dogs or people as often as most dogs can. That said, if you ever do meet her IRL (in real life), please give this little lady some love!


Midge may be the smallest dog, but he has a big heart. Midge is the perfect example of how even the smallest dog can make a huge difference in our lives.

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