5 Benefits of Dog Ownership for an Active Senior


If you’re like me, you’ve watched your parents and grandparents turn into more dog-like humans as they age. They seem to have an affinity for food and snuggling, their fur is a little grayer than it used to be—but that’s okay! Dogs are wonderful companions who provide so many benefits for older people. So if you’re thinking about adopting a senior dog or getting one of your own, here are five reasons why it’s a good idea:

Encourages activity.

Owning a dog is a great way to stay active and healthy. Your pet will need daily walks, so you’ll have no choice but to get out of the house and take them on their daily constitutional. When you’re taking care of your dog, you’ll feel better knowing that they need the same level of exercise that humans do.

Aids in recovery from physical ailments.

Dog ownership can be an excellent form of therapy for older people, helping them recover from physical ailments and mobility problems. Many seniors have difficulty getting around, but dogs are especially good at aiding in the recovery process. Dog ownership is also a great way to improve your mental health and combat depression or stress.

For example, studies have shown that owning a dog can lower blood pressure by up to 10 percent and reduce the risk of heart disease by 30 percent.

Increases social connections.

Dogs are a great way to meet people. You’ll find yourself in the company of other dog owners, and your own pet can be a source of conversation. That vet, groomer and trainer—they all make it so easy to strike up conversation with them! The same goes for other dog owners you meet at parks or shows (or even on the street).

Promotes mental health.

If you’re feeling lonely or anxious, a dog can be an excellent companion. Your pet will help you get out of the house and engage with other people. They can also help you feel less isolated, which is important for seniors because isolation can contribute to depression and anxiety.

Dogs are a source of unconditional love that many older adults don’t have in their lives. If your family members live far away from you or if they don’t visit often, it’s nice to have someone around who loves you unconditionally!

Improves lifespan.

There is a lot of scientific evidence that shows that dog ownership can significantly improve your lifespan. For example, multiple studies conducted by the Mayo Clinic revealed that people who own pets are generally healthier than those who don’t. This is because dog owners tend to get regular exercise, which helps keep their weight down, blood pressure in check and even improves mood and mental health.

The American Heart Association also supports this claim with its study on how owning a pet increases physical activity in older adults. The researchers found that adult men and women ages 65 or older were more likely to walk for leisure if they owned a dog than if they did not have one at all (or if they had other types of pets). This is definitely good news for senior citizens because it means getting out more often!

Senior dog ownership has many benefits!

Dogs are great for seniors. There are many reasons why dog ownership is a good idea for senior adults, and here is a list of the top five:

  • Dogs are a great way to get outside and get some exercise. You can walk your dog on trails or in parks that are safe for both of you. If you don’t have a dog of your own, look into visiting with friends who do and see if they would be willing to let you take their dog out on walks with them.
  • Dogs provide socialization opportunities for the owner through interactions with other people from time to time (elderly neighbors who have dogs), meeting new people at community events where dogs are allowed (parks), or simply by being out in public more often than someone who has no pets at home would be because they spend most of their days alone inside at home doing nothing but watching TV or reading books all day long every day until it’s time go sleep again without ever leaving house once during entire week!


Dog ownership is a great way for seniors to stay active, and it can also be good for their mental health. If you’re considering adopting an older dog or are already an owner, we hope this article has given you some ideas on how owning a pet might benefit your well-being.

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