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If you love cats, then you’re in luck. There are all sorts of fun facts about cats out there! For example, did you know that more than 80% of people in the US have owned a cat at some point in their lives? Or did you know that the most expensive purebred cat ever sold was a Savannah Cat named Savannah Royale, who cost $12 million? If these facts make your heart skip a beat and make your kitty purr with excitement (pun intended), read on to find out more about our feline friends.
1. Cats beat dogs in internet popularity contest
Cats are a lot more popular than dogs on the internet. This is probably because they’re easier to understand and therefore more relatable, but also because cats are just naturally better at being cute.
The number of followers on social media—and the amount of times their content gets shared—shows how much people love them: there are more cat-related posts on Instagram than any other animal-themed posts combined! So if you’re looking for a friendly pet who will never make you feel bad about yourself or leave dirty paw prints everywhere in your home, then get yourself a cat!
2. About 30% of households in the United States have at least one cat
Did you know that about 30% of households in the United States have at least one cat?
About 20% of households have dogs.
5% have both cats and dogs.
55% do not own pets.
3. Cats can get cancer from too much sunlight
- Cats can get skin cancer from too much sunlight
Cats are at risk for developing skin cancer just like humans. While the exact number is unknown, it is believed that about 1 in 4 cats will develop a type of skin cancer by the time they reach their teens. Pets with dark-colored coats (e.g., black cats) are particularly vulnerable to developing melanoma because they have more pigment and thus more melanocytes (or cells that produce pigment).
Feline squamous cell carcinoma and feline basal cell carcinoma are two types of skin cancers that commonly occur in cats; both can be treated successfully when detected early on. Skin cancers tend to develop on parts of the body exposed to sunlight such as ears, nose, lips and eyelids but may also appear on other areas such as legs or stomachs if your cat spends time outside without adequate protection from direct sunlight or heat sources like car engines or barbeques.
If you notice any redness around your cat’s eyes or mouth it’s important that you take him/her to see your vet immediately so that he/she can have a biopsy done – this way no permanent damage has been done yet!
4. Cats can run at speeds of up to 31 mph
Did you know that cats can run at speeds of up to 31 mph? Did you also know that cats can jump up to seven feet in one leap? The reason behind this incredible agility lies in their unique skeletal structure. Unlike humans, who have rigid joints and bones, cats have flexible joints and bones which allow them to move their limbs freely. The cat’s upper body is also much more flexible than ours as they can rotate their shoulders completely around an axis. Their ankles are particularly flexible allowing them to walk on all fours or stand upright on two legs when needed.
5. Cats spend 30% of their waking hours cleaning themselves
- Cats spend 30% of their waking hours cleaning themselves
Cats are very clean animals, and it’s not just because they have a fur coat. They’re very particular about their hygiene and spend a lot of time grooming themselves. In fact, cats spend about 30% of their waking hours cleaning themselves!
They do this by licking their fur with their rough tongue while they simultaneously rub against something like your leg or couch leg (or maybe even you). They also use their paws to clean the places that are a little harder to reach. You might notice that when your cat wakes up from napping on some fabric, there will be some white cat hair around where he was lounging—this is because he was actually rubbing away at the dirt stuck in his coat during his snooze!
6. A cat’s brain is more similar to a human’s than a dog’s.
It’s no secret that cats are smarter than dogs. While your dog might be able to fetch a ball, your cat will hide it from you and then play with it when you’re not looking. And this intelligence is reflected in their brains—cats have more neurons than dogs do, making their brains more similar to our own!
But don’t worry if this makes you feel like a bad pet owner; cats aren’t trying to outsmart us on purpose, they just want what’s best for themselves and their species (which is why they sometimes eat our dinner or use the bathroom on our bed). In fact, most felines will only act like little assholes when they’re hungry or feeling threatened by something else in their environment—so make sure that there’s plenty of food available at all times (the same goes for litter boxes) so that your kitty doesn’t get mad at you!
7. Cats can be allergic to humans just as humans are sometimes allergic to cats.
Cats can be allergic to humans just as humans are sometimes allergic to cats. If a cat is allergic to a human, it may develop a condition called atopy. This means that their immune system overreacts when exposed to an allergen like the protein found in pet dander or pollen.
As with many allergies, symptoms of atopy include:
- Itchy skin on the face and paws (often referred to as “cat scratch fever”)
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Red eyes
The good news is that most cases of atopy are mild and don’t require treatment by a veterinarian unless they become severe enough to require steroids or other medications.
8. A group of cats is called a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, a female cat is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens.
- A group of cats is called a clowder, a male cat is called a tom, a female cat is called a molly or queen while young cats are called kittens.
Some additional facts about cats:
- Cats have 32 muscles in each ear that control the movements so they can be very precise when listening to sounds from all directions.
- Cats have acute hearing and vision that helps them hunt at night. This sense of smell and hearing helps them to find their way back home after being lost or taken away by humans as pets or for research purposes.
9. Cat’s urine glows under UV light
Did you know that cat’s urine glows under UV light? This is a pretty neat fact about cats, but it has a practical application as well: if your cat has been outdoors and you’re worried about them getting into something like antifreeze or fertilizer that could harm them, try shining a flashlight with a UV light on their fur. If there is anything dangerous on their coat, you’ll see it glow bright green!
It’s not just poison substances that glow under UV light—your cat’s bodily fluids also do. And since cats are crepuscular (active mostly at dusk and dawn), you can bet they’re more likely to be outside when there’s more ambient light available than inside where it’s darker and more difficult for predators to find them.
10. Cat’s are more active at night due to their evolutionary history, which takes them back over 11 million years ago!
We’re all familiar with the saying “the night belongs to cats.” What it means is that cats are nocturnal animals, meaning they are more active at night and sleep during the day. In fact, you can find cats sleeping in every nook and cranny of your home when the sun goes down!
But why? Why have cats evolved over 11 million years ago to be so active at night? The answer lies in their evolutionary history. When their ancestors first began hunting for prey on land, they were designed by nature to hunt at night because there was less competition from other predators such as wolves or lions during this time period. Today we still have many cat species around the world that continue this tradition by hunting exclusively at night—and some even prefer doing so!
Cats are often slept on for their intelligence and physical abilities
Think about it: cats are often sleeping on you because they want to be near you. Cats are intelligent and can run, jump, climb and hide—all good reasons for wanting to be close by. But don’t forget that cats purr and meow as a form of communication with their owners! It’s like having an entire conversation with your cat without ever saying anything out loud.
It’s been fun to see how much we know about cats, but there’s still so much more to learn. The world of science is just starting to scratch the surface when it comes to studying cats and the incredible things they can do. In fact, just this past year scientists discovered that our feline friends have some kind of sixth sense that helps them navigate their surroundings! The future looks bright for cat lovers everywhere!