Top 5 Best Cat Dog Breeds


When you think of a cat and a dog hanging out together, you might picture them fighting or ignoring each other. But that’s not always the case! There are actually some cat breeds that get along really well with dogs. Some of these breeds are even known for being “cat dogs” because they prefer to play with dogs instead of other cats, which makes them ideal for homes with both dogs and cats. In this blog post we’ll tell you about our top 5 favorite cat breeds for dogs:

1. The Ragdoll

The Ragdoll is a cat that resembles a teddy bear. It has long luxurious fur, which makes for easy grooming, and the most obvious characteristic of this breed is its laid-back demeanor. Ragdolls are indoor cats by nature and prefer to stay close to home, but if you give them an outdoor enclosure or room with windows they will enjoy interacting with their humans from time to time.

Ragdolls are known for being gentle and friendly cats who love attention from their owners. They don’t have much interest in playing with toys but do enjoy having interactive play sessions with humans (and other pets). They make great companions for children because they’re friendly and love to be petted!

2. The Siberian Cat

The Siberian cat is a medium-sized, fluffy cat with blue eyes. They are known for their energy and love of playing. These cats also love children and other pets. The Siberian cat has a high prey drive, so if you have mice or birds in the house, be sure to keep your felines out of those rooms.

Siberian cats are very intelligent and they enjoy being trained by their owners to learn tricks, use their litter box consistently (or outside if you choose), or even walk on a leash!

3. The Burmese Cat

The Burmese cat is another popular breed of cat. They are known for their gentle, affectionate nature and are a good choice for families with children. The Burmese is a small to medium sized cat that has a very similar appearance to the Siamese cat, but has darker points and lighter fur.

The Burmese is an outgoing, friendly, sweet natured pet who will enjoy curling up on your lap or snuggling up next to you while you watch TV or read a book. The Burmese loves people and other animals so they are an excellent choice if you have other pets in your home!

4. The Tonkinese Cat

The Tonkinese cat is a medium-sized cat that can weigh between 10 to 15 pounds. They are affectionate, intelligent and playful. These cats love being around people, so they make great companions for both children and adults alike. The Tonkinese is also very easy to groom due to their short hair coat.

The Tonkinese would make a good choice for you if you’re looking for an active yet docile cat who will get along well with other pets in your home.

5. The Birman Cat

The Birman cat is a breed of domestic cat with white fur, blue eyes, and a distinctive “marmalade” or “butterfly” pattern on its fur. Birmans are known for their sweet nature and gentle disposition. They have an affectionate but reserved personality which makes them well-suited to being indoor pets. The Birman’s long silky coat requires daily grooming to prevent mats from forming in the fur.

Birmans are generally quiet cats who do not mind being left alone for long periods of time as long as they have been well socialized with children before moving into their new home.

In addition to having a gentle temperament and loving nature, Birman cats are intelligent and easy to train so they make great pets for families with small children who want a companion that won’t cause too much trouble!

These are the top 5 cat breeds for dogs


The Ragdoll is a sweet and gentle cat breed that loves to be around people. They are known for their quiet temperament, and they like to spend their days sleeping or lounging with their owners. Their calm nature makes them a perfect companion for dogs, who can often be excitable and rowdy!


The Siberian cat is another great choice for dog owners because they have similar personalities as many other breeds on this list: they’re calm, friendly, and love being around humans. In fact, these cats are so friendly that they may even try to befriend your dog (and vice versa)!


This breed of domesticated feline has been around since the 1800s! Their temperament is described as “lively” but also “calm.” They’re fairly independent—so if you want a cat who will follow your commands without too much fussing about it—the Burmese is probably the right fit for you! If not… keep scrolling down! 🙂


We hope you enjoyed our list of the top 5 cat breeds for dogs. These are some of the most popular breeds with feline owners and we think you’ll love them too! As you can see, there are so many different types of cats and they all have their own unique personalities which makes them perfect companions for any dog owner looking for a new friend.

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