12 Ways you’re a Dog Person, if you just own one Boxer


If you’re here, it means you’ve probably got a Boxer. And if you own one of these dogs, then there’s a good chance that you’re also a dog person. That’s because owning a Boxer doesn’t mean just having an energetic and smart dog—it means that your life is full of all the other things that come with owning this breed. You see, our beloved Boxers are not just great companions: they’re also trailblazers when it comes to being more dog friendly around the house and in every day life! So if you own one of these amazing dogs (or know someone who does), here are some reasons why being more dog friendly can make your life better:

A Boxer is a Dog Person’s Dog

Boxers are a dog person’s dream. They’re playful, energetic and love to be around people. This makes them great with kids, even if you’re looking for a family dog that will interact with your child more than the average pup. As one of the most popular breeds in America (there were 2 million Boxers registered in 2016), they are also often trained as guard dogs or watchdogs.

Boxers can be territorial by nature but they don’t bark unless there’s someone at the door or something suspicious going on — which means they make excellent companions for other animals too!

Boxers Always Want to Play

Boxers, being the playful creatures that they are, always want to play. Whether it’s a new toy or an old favorite, a ball or a stick, if your boxer sees the potential for fun and enjoyment in something you have on hand (or can easily acquire) then your dog will be more than happy to entertain itself with whatever’s in front of him.

Boxers love playing with other dogs and people alike. In fact, as long as there’s room for another party member on the floor or couch – whether it’s a friend or family member who also wants to play or just another puppy from down the street – your boxer will likely be willing to invite them into his game!

Boxers are a Trailblazer’s Ideal Pet

Boxers are a great trailblazer’s ideal pet. This is because they have the energy to run all day and then come home and sleep soundly at your feet. They’re also trainable, so you can take them on hikes or camping trips without having to worry about them getting lost or running away. The best part is, if you have a dog that loves the outdoors like our dogs do, they’ll love exploring with you just as much as we do!

If this sounds like something that would make your dog happy too, then check out our blog post on How To Hike With Your Dog!

Boxers Make People Happy

  • Boxers make people happy.
  • Boxers make people laugh.
  • Boxers make people smile.
  • Boxers make people feel better.
  • Boxers are a great way to make people feel loved and cared for, too (especially if they’re yours).

Boxing is a Great Way to Exercise

Boxers are a great breed for getting exercise. They can run, swim, and go up and down stairs.

  • Boxers are very active dogs and make excellent running companions.
  • Boxers love to play fetch in water or on the beach; they’re especially good at swimming after tennis balls!
  • If you have a treadmill or elliptical machine in your home gym, your dog can even join you while exercising!
  • A fun way to get some extra exercise is by taking walks with your boxer! This will help both of you stay fit at the same time!

Boxers are the Most Energetic Dogs

Boxers love to be active and will keep you on your toes. They are great for hiking, running, biking, swimming, hunting and many other activities that would be considered “dog sports”. If you enjoy being active it is important to make sure that when you take your Boxer out for a walk or run in the park that they get plenty of exercise by running laps around an open field or along the beach if possible. If you can’t get outdoors then try playing fetch with them inside or even some games where they have to jump up and down stairs!

Boxers require an owner who is willing to put in regular time exercising them every day so that their energy levels stay under control which means less destructive behavior like digging holes in the yard trying to find new places where there aren’t any bones buried yet!

Boxers Are a Must-Have for Camping

If you love camping and want to bring your dog along, then a Boxer might be the perfect pet for you.

Boxers Are the Perfect Dog for Camping:

  • They have a great disposition. Boxers are friendly, happy, and playful dogs that get along with other dogs and kids. They’re also easy to train, which means they’ll listen when you tell them not to bark or dig up the campsite!
  • They’re good at keeping cool in hot climates. Because of their short coat, boxers won’t overheat too easily while hiking through some of those less than ideal terrain we find ourselves in when camping (think: rocks). Plus their constant energy level means they’ll stay moving around even after the sun goes down!
  • You’ll never feel uncomfortable leaving behind any valuables near your tent because these pooches are very protective of their owners—and all their belongings too!

Boxers Are Perfect for Road Trips

Boxers are perfect for road trips. They love the car, even when it’s only a 10-minute drive to the grocery store. They enjoy staying busy and playing with their toys in the back seat, which makes them happy and keeps your mind off of how long you have left before you reach your destination.

Boxers also make great traveling companions because they love to go for walks in new places. You might not be able to walk through every neighborhood that’s on your list of places to visit or explore, but you can always find a place for Fido!

Boxers Make Great Apartment Pets

Boxers are a great apartment dog. They’re small enough to live comfortably in an apartment, and don’t require the exercise or yard space that some other large breeds do. They also tend to be quiet and don’t bark much. In fact, they have a reputation for being a rather sedate breed that doesn’t require much exercise or socialization time outside of their owners’ homes—making them ideal apartment pets!

Boxers can also be good with kids if they’ve grown up with them in their homes from an early age (as was the case with my own dogs). And because of their gentle nature, boxers are more likely than many other breeds to get along well with cats if you have one as well.

There are lots of reasons why a dog person should own a dog.

There are lots of reasons why a dog person should own a dog. Boxers are energetic, playful and loyal. They’re great for families with kids and easy to train. They’re also a perfect size for apartment living, which means they don’t take up too much space in your small home. And if you like traveling, you’ll love how easy it is to travel with your boxer on your road trips or even plane rides!


There are a lot of reasons why a dog person should get their own Boxer. In this article, we explored 12 of them! If you’re wondering where to start with your new pet, it’s important to think about what kind of lifestyle they’ll have in your home. Do you live in an apartment? Will they be outdoors all day long? What kind of exercise do they need? These questions can help guide your decision when choosing which breed is right for you and your family.

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