5 Planted Tanks to Brighten any Room


The Amazon Sword: A compact plant that can grow a few inches with plenty of light. The leaves are large and broad, making it a very popular tank choice. Cryptocoryne parva: This is a great low maintenance plant. It’s a foreground plant that grows best in medium light with some added CO₂. Ludwigia Repens: grow in medium light, but do best in high light, with added CO₂. They can be grown both submersed and emersed. Bacopa Caroliniana : They are ideal for mid-ground areas of aquariums, and also make excellent background plants for smaller tanks. Hygrophila Pinnatifida : Hygrophila pinnatifida is an easy to care for aquatic plant that doesn’t require much maintenance

The Amazon Sword: A compact plant that can grow a few inches with plenty of light. The leaves are large and broad, making it a very popular tank choice.

The Amazon sword is one of the most popular plants for aquariums. It can grow up to 3 feet tall, but it is also a fast growing plant that can be kept in a smaller pot without any issues. The leaves are broad, making it an ideal choice for a tank with low lighting. Since the Amazon sword does best with medium light, you should be careful not to place this plant in bright sunlight or near lamps or bulbs.

Cryptocoryne parva: This is a great low maintenance plant. It’s a foreground plant that grows best in medium light with some added CO₂.

Cryptocoryne parva is a foreground plant that grows best in medium light with some added CO₂. This means it will not need much maintenance, but you can still grow it if you have lower lighting or no CO₂ injection. The plant is pretty low maintenance and will look great in your aquarium.

Ludwigia Repens: grow in medium light, but do best in high light, with added CO₂. They can be grown both submersed and emersed.

Ludwigia Repens: grow in medium light, but do best in high light, with added CO₂. They can be grown both submersed and emersed. These plants are a foreground plant that can be tied to driftwood or rocks for an attractive look.

These plants have long runners that will root into the substrate, making them easy to propagate by detaching these shorter sections of runner from the mother plant. Ludwigia repens is a great beginner aquarium plant because it grows quickly, although it does require more maintenance than other aquarium plants like Bacopa monnieri or Anubias barteri (Anubias barteri Variegata)

Bacopa Caroliniana : They are ideal for mid-ground areas of aquariums, and also make excellent background plants for smaller tanks.

Bacopa Caroliniana is an excellent plant for aquariums, as well as outdoor ponds. They can grow in low light or medium lighting conditions and are ideal for the mid-ground area of your aquarium. Bacopa Caroliniana also has a beautiful white flower that blooms at night.

Hygrophila Pinnatifida : Hygrophila pinnatifida is an easy to care for aquatic plant that doesn’t require much maintenance.

Hygrophila pinnatifida

Hygrophila pinnatifida is an easy to care for aquatic plant that doesn’t require much maintenance. It grows well in medium light, but does best in high light. It can grow both submersed and emersed. If you’re looking for a plant that’s not demanding on your time, this might be the perfect choice for you!

These 5 plants are great additions to your home, and come in all shapes and heights!

These 5 plants are great additions to your home, and come in all shapes and heights!

These plants are easy to care for as they don’t require much light. You can also grow them at different heights, so it will be easy for you to fit them into your home no matter how tall the ceilings are.


If you are looking to add some life to your home, these 5 plants are the perfect way to do so! They each have different care requirements and unique traits that make them stand out from other aquarium plants. We hope this blog helped you find something new for your next project!

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