5 Tips For Raising a Puppy


The first few months of your puppy’s life are incredibly exciting and also incredibly busy. There is so much to do and so much to learn about raising a puppy. I have been raising puppies for many years now, and I’m still learning new things every day! Here are some tips that have helped me raise happy, healthy puppies for all these years:

Start with the basics

Start with the basics.

As you begin to think about raising your puppy, it’s important that you take time to consider what is age appropriate. If you are new to owning a dog or have never raised a puppy before, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the information that is out there about raising puppies.

Do not overwhelm yourself – or your puppy! Take things one step at a time and don’t try and do too much too fast. Remember: consistency is key!

Keep your puppy active

  • You need to keep your puppy active.
  • The most important thing you can do is play with your puppy. This will help them grow into well-adjusted, confident dogs that love people, other animals and children.
  • Be sure to use both indoor and outdoor activities as long as it’s safe for both of you!

Spend time together

As you spend more time together, your puppy will become more comfortable with you and the routine of your household. He’ll also start to understand that he has a name and can be called upon by it. When you call him by his name, he’ll learn that this is a way for him to get attention from you.

You may want to begin introducing yourself as well—this way he knows what “Mom” or “Dad” sounds like when someone calls them out! You can also teach him simple commands like sit or lie down using the same technique of rewarding him when he does what’s asked of him correctly.

Provide positive reinforcement

You want your puppy to be happy and willing to learn, so the best way to train them is with positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is a training technique that uses rewards to encourage good behavior in your dog. Positive reinforcement works best when you are consistent with giving out rewards and punishments, so it’s important that you stick with the same commands for each behavior you want your puppy to learn.

Giving treats or affection as a reward will motivate him or her without being too harsh on their sensitive little ears (and paws). You can also use toys or playtime as an alternative reward if they’re not into food yet! Just remember: don’t use negative reinforcement like hitting or yelling—your puppy will only get confused about what’s expected from them when they behave badly because those actions don’t make sense for him/her.

Protect your puppy’s health

Protecting your puppy’s health is one of the most important things you can do to ensure he or she grows up happy and healthy. The following tips will help you keep your puppy safe:

  • Vaccinate your puppy according to the veterinarian’s recommendations, but don’t overdo it. Too many vaccinations in too short a time period can weaken a dog’s immune system.
  • Use flea and tick prevention products on your dog so that they don’t get these parasites and pass them on to you or your family members through petting or direct contact with their fur or paws.
  • Talk to the vet about any changes in appetite that may indicate illness—a decrease in appetite, for example, could mean something like cancer or diabetes; an increase may indicate diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes). Be sure also that there are no signs of dehydration (e.g., increased thirstiness) because if there are then consult with either a vet immediately!

It is important to work on training and exercise with your puppy.

It is important to work on training and exercise with your puppy.

Training your puppy will help them learn what you expect from them and how to behave around others. Exercise helps with training because it keeps the puppy healthy, happy and well-behaved. When a puppy is tired they are less likely to have behavior problems, like barking or chewing things up when you’re not around. Also, exercising can help with weight control as dogs need their daily dose of exercise to burn off calories! If a dog becomes overweight it can lead to health issues down the road so keeping your dog active throughout its life will benefit them greatly! Exercise is also an easy way for owners and pets alike to bond together; something that we believe is very important when raising a pet!


Raising a puppy is a fun and rewarding experience. The more you know about the process, the better prepared you will be for what comes next. Make sure to spend time with your puppy and provide positive reinforcement so they know what good behavior looks like. You will also want to keep them active and healthy in order for them to grow into a happy adult dog!

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