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If you’ve ever had a cat, you know that they love to climb. But do you know why? You may have heard the old saying “cats are like children,” but this saying doesn’t go far enough to illustrate how much fun cats can be. Yes, they’re playful and mischievous…but did you know that they also have a deep appreciation for beauty and design? That’s right: instead of just climbing on certain things because they’re tall, cats also seem to appreciate the finer points of interior design! They’re not fussy about what kind of furniture they sleep on or lounge around on—as long as it gives them some vertical space, they’ll be happy with it (or maybe even dig holes in it). So if you’ve ever wondered why your kitty would rather lounge on an ugly old futon than snooze in a comfy bed next door…now we’ve got an answer for ya!
Cats love to be up high.
A cat’s love of perching high above the ground is not only one of the most common reasons why cats love cat trees, but also one of the most important reasons. Cats like to feel safe and secure when they’re sleeping or lounging around. They don’t want to be easily accessible to smaller predators, such as dogs or birds that might try to approach them from below. Cats also naturally have an instinctual desire to be up high just because it feels good!
The higher your cat’s vantage point looks down at on their surroundings, the more likely they’ll feel safe and relaxed. This instinctual behavior has been passed down through generations of domesticated cats over thousands of years—it’s something they do naturally because it makes them feel good! If you’ve ever wondered why your kitty loves perching so much on top of things (like maybe you), now you know that she’s just doing what comes naturally: seeking out a higher spot where she can see all around her in order for maximum protection against predators!
Cats need vertical space.
You may have noticed that cats need vertical space. They can’t be confined to the ground, and most of the time, they don’t want to be. Cats are predators by nature, and they have a need to hunt—so it’s no surprise that they enjoy being able to see what’s going on around them. In addition to hunting instincts, cats also feel safer when they’re higher up than their prey; this way they can escape more easily if threatened.
Cat trees let your cat do all of these things! With multiple levels, your cat has plenty of room for jumping and climbing around within their own personal little jungle gym (or house). It also allows them to look out over their territory at night without fear of predators lurking in the shadows or sneaking up behind them; plus it gives you peace of mind knowing that your furry friend is safe from harm during those long nights away from home!
Cat trees are a great way to redirect your cat’s destructive nature.
Cat trees are a great way to redirect your cat’s destructive nature. Cats love to scratch, so cat trees can be a great way to redirect that energy. Cats also love to climb and explore, so cat trees can be a great way to redirect that energy.
Cat trees help you re-stabilize your relationship with your cat.
A cat tree is a great way to help you and your cat get back on track. Cats are territorial animals and feel safer when they can see all that’s going on around them, but also know that nothing above them will be able to get them. A cat tree gives your kitty the perfect perch from which to navigate the household while still being able to keep an eye out for danger.
The best part? You’ll reap the benefits too! If you’ve ever had issues with scratching furniture or accidents in the house, this could be a great solution. Many people find that once they start using a cat tree as part of their daily routine, their cats become more relaxed and content as well!
Cat trees satisfy your kitty’s predatory instincts.
A cat tree is a great way to fulfill your kitty’s predatory instincts. Cats are hunters, and cat trees give them the opportunity to stalk small prey by climbing and jumping on their platforms. Climbing also provides exercise for cats who have lots of energy. If you have a kitten, they will enjoy playing with toys that hang from the top of the cat tree.
Cat trees help protect your furniture and other things you don’t want scratched.
- Cats scratch to mark their territory.
- Cats scratch to sharpen their claws.
- Cats scratch to relieve stress.
- Cats scratch to exercise their muscles.
- Cats use the scratching post as an outlet for tension, and they often do this when they are feeling bored or lonely, which is why we recommend having one in multiple rooms of your home!
Cat trees are an affordable alternative to getting expensive improvements done around the house.
Cat trees can be an affordable alternative to getting expensive improvements done around the house.
- Cat tree is cheaper than remodeling: If you are planning on redoing your entire house, cat trees may be a good way to save money. They cost less and have a lower impact on your budget than performing major renovations.
- Cat trees are more convenient than remodeling: It’s not always easy or practical for people to do big projects like adding an extra room or updating the kitchen cabinets at home, so they opt for smaller changes instead—like purchasing a new cat tree. This means that even if you don’t want or need anything else, there will still be something you can do around your home without hiring an expensive professional contractor
Cat trees make everyone in the household happier!
A cat tree is a great investment for your cat, for the entire family and even for you. Why? Because when you spend money on a cat tree, everyone wins.
- Your cat will love it!
Cat trees are something that cats need in order to be happy and healthy. Cats can get bored easily, which leads to them being destructive or acting out in other ways that we don’t want to deal with around our house (like scratching furniture). A cat tree gives them something fun and engaging to do that helps keep them from getting into mischief. It’s also important for their overall health since climbing up high places helps cats stretch their muscles out which improves circulation and digestion! If this sounds like something worth investing in then go ahead and buy one today!
You can match them to your home decor!
Cat trees come in many different types and sizes, so it’s easy to find one that matches your home decor. Some people prefer the look of wood cat trees, but others prefer a more modern look. Cat trees can also be made from carpet or rope, which is ideal for those that want something slightly less permanent than a wooden structure. And if you’re interested in having something that matches your décor, there are options available!
It seems like cats love cat trees for a variety of reasons, many of which you may not have heard before!
Cats love cat trees for a variety of reasons, many of which you may not have heard before!
- Cats like to be up high. When cats were first domesticated, they were more accustomed to living in trees and caves than on the ground with humans. Cats still retain some instinctual behaviors from their wild ancestors, too; they prefer sleeping off the ground because they feel safer (and they really are!). As such, cat trees allow your kitty to get back up into their natural environment where they feel most comfortable, but also safely near you at night so that you can take care of them when necessary.
- Cats need vertical space for exercise and play time! Like all mammals in general who are able to move around freely within their environment(s), cats need an outlet for their physical energy; this is why we often find them trying out new toys every day or two when we let them out into our home after being cooped up inside all day long during winter months (or any season) while at work all day long without any way of moving around other than running laps around your house! Cat trees help satisfy these needs by giving your feline friend another area where they can climb onto heights above others while still feeling safe enough in order even though there might not always be someone else present nearby watching over their actions continuously 24/7 like what happens when we’re home ourselves with no other relatives living nearby either (meaning no one else lives here besides ourselves). This gives both owner as well as pet plenty time together during daytime hours instead of having just one person stay inside constantly monitoring everything else that goes on around here–this way both parties get equal amounts attention from each other throughout
Don’t get me wrong, I love my cat and she is my best friend! But every now and then I forget how lucky I am to have her in my life. Although she can be a little needy sometimes, she knows how much we love each other and that makes me happy.