Bullies Dog to the Rescue!


I’m a big dog lover and I have had many pets throughout my life. This is a story about one of those dogs and how he literally saved my life. It all started 5 years ago when my best friend at the time’s dad brought her home a new puppy because his old dog had just died. She begged her parents to let her keep the puppy so they eventually gave in but they told her she needed to take care of it. So she did, but something was wrong with the puppy (we later found out that it was because they were both male) – he would growl when anyone picked him up or tried to pet him and he wouldn’t eat after a time.

I’m a big dog lover and I have had many pets throughout my life.

I’m a big dog lover and I have had many pets throughout my life. Dogs are man’s best friend, they are loyal and protective of their owners and family. They can be trained to do many things, such as fetch or hunt for food or even protect you from harm if needed. The best part about having a dog is that it’s like having another member of your family that will always be there for you when no one else will!

This is a story about one of those dogs and how he literally saved my life.

This is a story about one of those dogs and how he literally saved my life.

His name is Bullies Dog and he has some serious issues that he’s working through.

Bullies Dog was rescued from a bad situation by his current owner, who met him at the shelter where she volunteers. She took him home, gave him a loving home environment, fixed up his wounds (which included cigarette burns) and gave him everything she could to help him feel better about himself again. She eventually fell in love with Bullies Dog and adopted him into her family as part of their household full of other rescue dogs who were also looking for a place to call their own.

It all started 5 years ago when my best friend at the time’s dad brought her home a new puppy because his old dog had just died.

It all started 5 years ago when my best friend at the time’s dad brought her home a new puppy because his old dog had just died. My friend was thrilled, but I thought it was a terrible idea.

I worried that she would be bitten by the dog and get rabies or something worse. I was also concerned that the dog would hurt my other friends who were small and fragile.

But when I voiced these concerns to my friend’s father, he promised me that there would be no chance of either happening because he had just adopted the dog from a shelter where they make sure all their animals are sweet-natured before being put up for adoption. He said the reason why he chose this particular breed was because they are very protective of their owners—even those who aren’t members of their family (like myself).

She begged her parents to let her keep the puppy so they eventually gave in but they told her she needed to take care of it.

You could tell that she wanted the puppy because it would be something to take care of. She was lonely and had no siblings, so this would give her something else to focus on. Also, if you are a parent, you know how important it is for kids to have pets growing up especially when they’re young and still in school or just starting out on their own. They learn responsibility and compassion through caring for an animal like this!

It’s also important for children to feel like they have a place in the family unit by being responsible for another living thing. They don’t have to be parents themselves yet but can still feel included by caring for someone/something else besides themselves. This can teach them valuable lessons about responsibility and empathy which will help later down the road when they finally do become parents (hopefully).

So she did, but something was wrong with the puppy, he would growl when anyone picked him up or tried to pet him and he wouldn’t eat after a time.

In the meantime, a family moved into the house next door and they had a kitten named Tiger.

This little orphan puppy was very jealous when he saw Tiger sleeping in the lap of his new owner or eating from her plate. He would growl at him and wouldn’t eat because he thought his food was poisoned! It wasn’t long before the poor little puppy started getting sick.

Mrs Stone decided to take him to our local veterinarian where she learned that he had been slowly poisoned by eating some foods on their back porch such as cat litter and cat food.

I worried about this puppy but it seemed like nothing helped them get closer to each other which made me think maybe she didn’t want that anyway!

I was confused because I thought they were best friends. I didn’t understand why my friend’s puppy was acting this way towards her kitten. I had never seen a dog act like this before.

My friend wanted to get her puppy a playmate but the kitten didn’t seem interested at all in playing with him and would hiss at him when he approached her, which made my friend worried about how she could ever get them to be friends again!

It turned out he was jealous of my friend’s new kitten and would growl at it every time they saw each other which was why he wouldn’t eat from his bowl anymore because he thought it might be poisoned by whatever toxins were being released from the kitty litter box!

It turned out he was jealous of my friend’s new kitten and would growl at it every time they saw each other which was why he wouldn’t eat from his bowl anymore because he thought it might be poisoned by whatever toxins were being released from the kitty litter box!

As a puppy, he would only eat if I fed him directly with a spoon. But now that we knew what was going on, we decided that in order to get him out of this situation and into eating again, it would be best if we found another home for the kitten so that there would be no further incidents between them.


After a few weeks of trying everything, my friend’s dad decided to give up and take the dog back to where he got him. It was sad but we were happy when they left because there was no more growling or fighting between them!

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