Catteries Can’t Handle the Cute


If you’re considering getting a cat, you may think that buying one is cheaper and easier than adopting one. But this isn’t always true—and in my case, it wasn’t even close. After spending thousands of dollars on vet bills and supplies, I now realize that adopting my cats would have been the best decision ever. Here’s why:

It is important to adopt pets, especially cats, because of their tendency to get abandoned by their owners

For example, in the state of Texas, there are about five times more cats put down than dogs.

This is a problem because cats are far more likely to be abandoned by their owners once they become too old or unwell. They also face higher rates of euthanasia due to overcrowding and lack of space at shelters: while some dogs may have been trained by humans to be calm and well-behaved, many cats have not had this advantage and can be difficult for shelter workers to handle safely.

This post is a list of reasons why people should adopt cats

  • You will save money
  • You will save time
  • You will save energy
  • You will be saving a cat’s life when you adopt one from the shelter or rescue center, instead of buying it from a breeder or pet store (where most cats who end up in shelters have come from).
  • If you are an older cat, it might be easier for you to find an adoptive family if your owner is older too!

You should always adopt your cat instead of buying them, because it will be better for the cat and save you money.

It’s better for the cat, because you’ll be giving them a loving home. It’s better for you, because you won’t have to spend lots of money on food and toys, and they’ll be happy! You might think that buying a cat is cheaper than adopting one—but it isn’t! Most cats are sold by breeders who make their money selling cats over and over again. This means that they will keep breeding until they get sick or die from exhaustion. If cats were adopted instead of being bred, there would be much less work put into creating new ones. This makes it easier on everyone involved: no more breeding programs means fewer kittens born into bad situations; less demand for pets means fewer animals being bought just so people can look cool when walking around town with their pet animal; fewer homeless pets living in shelters where space is limited means more room for other homeless animals who need food/water/love too…

This cycle can continue indefinitely if we don’t stop contributing to its existence at all levels (starting with ourselves). When adopting a pet from an animal shelter rather than buying one from a breeder or pet store (who buy animals wholesale), don’t forget what your contribution means: not only are you saving money but also helping out local shelters by providing homes


We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article and that it has convinced you to adopt your next cat! If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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