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What’s a dog owner to do when they’re tired of throwing the ball, only for their dog to go fetch it and bring it back? Throw it again? Yes, but also try something new! The iFetch is a new product on the market that allows you to throw your dog’s favorite toy at the machine, which then shoots out another one. So if your pup gets tired of chasing after his or her own ball, this could be a great alternative. But does it actually work?
Meet the iFetch.
The iFetch is a ball launcher that uses a robotic arm and wheels to shoot tennis balls for your dog to fetch. It can be used indoors, and it requires three AA batteries to operate.
The iFetch is designed to be used with standard size tennis balls (either yellow or orange). The machine has four stainless steel launchers that automatically rotate, so you never have to worry about getting tired while playing with your dog! The iFetch can be set from one-to-five distance settings (or infinite), so dogs of any size can enjoy this product.
There’s no way it can actually work, is there?
It’s no secret that dogs love to play fetch, however, it can be extremely difficult to get your dog a ball when you’re at the park or on vacation. There’s also no way in hell you have time to sit around and throw a ball over and over again while they wait. Dogs are creatures of habit who become bored easily—if you don’t give them what they want when they want it, they’ll move onto something else that is more exciting.
Fret not! The iFetch is an automatic launcher that will allow you to keep your dog entertained while still giving them all of their favorite things: balls, exercise time and fun! With the iFetch Auto Ball Launcher, you simply attach 2 balls into the device (it comes with 6), set up all of its settings (speed setting and distance) and turn on the power switch! The machine will then automatically launch balls for your pup at whatever speed or distance has been selected for him/her!
iFetch really works.
iFetch is a game that allows your dog to play fetch all by themselves. The product has been very popular with dogs and their owners, as it’s easy to use and requires no setup. It comes in many different colors so you can find one that matches your dog’s personality.
The way this system works is by dropping the ball into the launcher, which then causes the ball to shoot out at high speeds towards your furry friend (or vice versa). The speed of these balls are adjustable depending on how fast or slow you want them thrown out!
This product is great for training dogs because they will learn how to fetch faster than if they were taught by another person in real life situations where there’s no machine doing all of the work for them. Also this makes it easier for older dogs who may not have much energy left after playing fetch already throughout their day.”
Your dog can play fetch all by himself with an iFetch.
So what is an iFetch? It’s a machine that allows your dog to play fetch with themself. So let’s say you’re out of the house, or at work and you want your dog to stay mentally stimulated while they’re home alone. You can set up an iFetch on the floor of their favorite area in the house, then load it up with tennis balls or any other kind of ball or toy that will fit into the machine. Then turn it on and watch what happens!
The beauty of this device is that there are no batteries required; it runs off electricity so when you use it again in a few days (or weeks), it will still be charged up ready for more fun! The best part is: no matter how far away from each other we might be, we’ll always have something fun to do together!
We hope you enjoyed reading about the iFetch. It’s a great way for you to bond with your dog and keep him entertained. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at any time!