Table of Contents
Dogs are wonderful, and they deserve to be in a home. They’re so much fun to play with, and they keep your life interesting. You don’t have to worry about what they think of you or where their loyalties lie—they’re just happy to be around you! Dogs love unconditionally and are always looking for ways to please their owners. There’s nothing more rewarding than having a loyal companion by your side 24/7.
The appearance of puppies!
Puppies are the best! There’s no denying it. Their little wiggly tails, their cute stubby legs, their tiny mouths that look like they could fit around your finger—it’s impossible not to fall in love with them immediately. And once you do fall in love with them, you’ll be hooked for life!
Puppies are so much fun because they’re so energetic and playful that you’ll never get bored of playing with them! They also want to cuddle all the time which makes it easy for you to hold onto him while he sleeps or just gets comfy on your lap while watching TV together. You don’t even have to worry about making sure he doesn’t chew on anything valuable because he won’t be able to reach most items anyway (except maybe some wires).
Dogs like you for who you are.
It’s no secret that dogs are good for your health, but did you know they’re also great for your mental health? Research shows that being around our furry friends lowers blood pressure and reduces stress, which is a wonderful benefit of living with a dog. Dogs also have the ability to provide companionship, even if you don’t have someone else in your life who will come over and cuddle with you when the mood strikes.
And here’s another thing: dogs don’t care what you look like! They’ll love you whether they see sweatpants or leather pants on the regular. They’ll love both genders equally and won’t give one side preferential treatment over another just because of their physical appearance or gender identity (or lack thereof).
Dogs are simply happy to see anyone who welcomes them into their home—and that includes all of us non-dog owners too!
The bond is real.
You may have heard about the “bond” between dog and owner, but you might be wondering what that means. It’s a word used to describe how much a person cares for their dog, or how much a dog cares for its owner. The bond is generally considered very strong among people who own dogs—and it’s something that takes years to build up.
It’s also important to note that bonds can vary from one dog owner to another: some owners will only want one pet (if any), while others can’t imagine life without having multiple dogs around them at all times! Many consider themselves lucky if they find an animal they feel this way about, but either way it’s important to remember that your bond with your four-legged friend will always be there—even if things change in other parts of your life!
They’re good listeners.
You’re sitting on your couch, watching TV or working at your computer. The dog comes over to you and sits down next to you, but doesn’t interrupt your thoughts by asking for anything. He just sits there quietly until it seems like he may have something to say, then he speaks up with a quiet bark or maybe even just looks at you with his big eyes. Dogs are great listeners!
They don’t judge you either. They won’t tell you that what you’re talking about isn’t interesting because they think their own interests are more important than yours (like humans do), nor will they interrupt when someone else is talking so that they can share their own point of view (like humans often do).
If we could all be more like dogs!
Are you allergic to cats? Get a dog!
Do you have allergies? Do you live in an apartment or house that doesn’t allow for a cat?
Well, if so, then it’s time to consider a dog. They’re hypoallergenic and don’t shed or have fur. Dogs also don’t have dander like cats do! This means that if your allergies are bad enough that even the thought of touching a cat makes your eyes water uncontrollably, then dogs are the best option for you.
They’ll make your place look like an apartment in a magazine.
Dogs are good for your home. They’ll make it look like an apartment in a magazine, they can be trained to do tricks and to walk on a leash, and they can sit, stay and lay down. We have a dog named Maggie who has the kind of decorating sense that would make even IKEA cringe. She likes to chew on our couch pillows, but we don’t mind because she looks so damn cute doing it!
You can get a partner in crime.
A dog is a great friend to have when you want to get out of the house. You can take them with you anywhere and everywhere, whether it’s going for a walk or run, or even taking them to the park for an afternoon of fetching sticks. A dog will be happy to go anywhere with their owner, which can help keep your mind off things as well!
If you’re thinking about getting a new pet into your life and need some convincing that dogs are worth it: think about how much fun it will be when they’re there with you doing things that they love while also giving back the unconditional love they give us every day.
They snuggle. A LOT.
Dogs love to snuggle. A lot. They will snuggle in bed with you as soon as you fall asleep (and sometimes before), they will snuggle on the couch with you when it’s not their nap time, they will snuggle in your lap while watching a movie or reading a book, and they will even snuggle when they are sad or happy. If a dog has been around humans for long enough, it knows that we need physical contact and affection just like they do.
Just go get a dog already.
You will be happier.
You will be healthier.
You will be more productive.
Your dog will love you and you will love your dog.
In the end, we’re not trying to convince you to get a dog. We just want you to know that if you do decide to go down that road, it’s going to be one of the best decisions you ever made. You’ll get a partner in crime and someone who will always be there for you no matter what happens—a real friend for life!