Finding the perfect gerbil


Gerbils are a great first pet for a child, and they make wonderful companions. Gerbils are very clean and will groom themselves just like cats do. They are also social animals who love to interact with their human owners—they might even come up to you when you walk into the room!

Do you want a gerbil?

Do you want a gerbil?

If you’re looking for a small, social animal that won’t need much attention, then gerbils may be the right choice for you. Gerbils are nocturnal and can live in groups (called colonies). They are not the best pets for people who don’t have time to spend with their pet or can’t tolerate some noise at night.

Choosing the right gerbil

Before you even consider buying a gerbil, it’s important to do your research and decide what kind of gerbil is right for you. You should begin by considering the different species available. There are two main types:

  • The Mongolian gerbil (Gerbillus mongolicus) is the most common variety, but it’s also quite large, so this might not be the best choice if space is limited.
  • The Roborovski dwarf hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) may be smaller than its cousin, but its long tail means that it can still get around just fine without taking up too much room—perfect for those who live in small apartments or dorm rooms!

Ready to bring your gerbil home?

Time to bring your new friend home! First things first: make sure you bring a carrier for the ride. Also, it’s nice to have some towels in there for your gerbil to sit on (they like soft surfaces), as well as some treats and toys to play with. Once you’ve got everything ready, go ahead and take them out of their cage and put them into their new home. Make sure they have plenty of places where they can hide or play around—you may want to create tunnels under furniture or buy an aquarium tank and fill it with hay so they can burrow. And don’t forget about sleep time! Gerbils need quiet, dark spaces where they can rest at night

Take care of your gerbil

When you first bring your gerbil home, there are a few things to get right.

You’ll want to give them a good quality diet and make sure they have plenty of space to run around. It’s also important that their environment is kept clean and their nails and teeth trimmed regularly.

Gerbils are great pets to have.

Gerbils are a great pet to have. They are fun to watch, relatively easy to care for, and they make great pets for children. This article will help you understand what it takes to own a gerbil so that you can make an informed decision before purchasing one.

You should also be aware that although gerbils have been kept as pets since the 1960s (with some of them being sold by mail order!), they’re not widely known in the US yet—so people might not know what they are or how much time it takes to take care of them properly.


Gerbils are a great pet to have, and we hope that this guide has helped you find the perfect one for your family. We’re sure that if you read through all of our tips, then you will be able to find an amazing gerbil that suits your needs perfectly!

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