How To Find A Kitten For You


The search for the perfect kitten can be long and arduous. There are many factors at play: your lifestyle, your personality, your goals for the future. We’ll help you find a cat that fits in with all those things!

What kind of personality are you looking for?

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Write down some of the personality traits that your ideal kitten would have. For example, if you want a laid-back cat who is good with other pets and children, write that down in list form. If you want an independent cat who’s not afraid of new things (like going outside), write that down as well. The more specific you can be while writing this list, the easier it will be for you when it comes time to find your perfect match!
  • Once you’ve finished compiling your list of desired traits, start searching through local shelters and rescues looking for cats who fit those descriptions! You may even come across some kittens that are still waiting for their forever homes just like yours did before getting adopted into its own loving home—and what better way than adopting another kitten? Some people refer to this process as “foster failure”; we call it fate!

Are you looking for a kitten to fit into an already existing family?

If you have children, consider if they will be able to handle a kitten. As cute as it is to have a furry friend around the house, kittens need love and attention from their human family members. They need to know that they are loved and not just another annoyance in your home. If your child is too young for this responsibility or has other interests that don’t involve caring for an animal, then perhaps it’s best not to get one at all or wait until the child is older so he or she can truly enjoy having a kitten around.

If you are single or live alone, consider how much time you will have to spend with your cat every day. While most cats don’t require constant attention like dogs do (they actually prefer solitude), they still want some form of affection from their owners regularly throughout each day; otherwise they may become restless and start showing signs of depression such as excessive grooming behaviors (e.g., licking parts of themselves constantly).

Do you want an active kitten or a more low-key kitten?

If you want to be around for the next 20 years, it’s best to get a cat. Kittens are super cute and adorable and make great pets, but kittens grow up faster than you think!

When choosing a kitten, you have to think about what type of person your family is. Do you have time for an active kitten? Or do you prefer low-key cats?

Kittens that play and explore are called “active” kittens. Active cats need more attention than other cats—they’re always getting into trouble! They also tend to be vocal with their owners (or any people who happen to walk through your house). If this sounds like something that would suit your lifestyle better than another type of cat, then an active kitty might be right for home!

Low-key kittens tend not play as much as other types of felines; instead they spend most of their days sleeping or lazing around on the couch while their owners work or go out with friends at night. Low-key felines are also less likely than others in this category (like those described above) announce themselves when someone comes into view—which could lead some owners into thinking they aren’t there when really they just don’t seem interested enough in what’s going on around them – which means no one knows exactly where these kinds exist…

What are your considerations for care and logistics?

  • Do you have the time to care for a kitten?
  • Do you want a kitten that needs to be walked?
  • Are you looking for a kitten that will get along with your other pets?
  • How much money do you want to spend on a kitten?

Ask yourself if you have time for a kitten.

  • Are you able to spend time with your kitten?

One thing that many people forget is that kittens need lots of love and attention. They are like babies, and they need a lot of care, especially at first. If you have a busy schedule, it might be difficult for you to give your kitten the care that she needs.

  • What kind of messes will this kitten make?

If there are other pets in the house or children around the house, then it is important to think about how much cleaning up after this new pet will take place. A puppy is not as messy as an adult dog would be at first but still requires some cleanup every day until he learns how to control himself and doesn’t mark everywhere anymore – which can take 6 months or more!

Does your city allow cats in the home you rent?

Do you live in an apartment? If so, it’s probably a good idea to check with your landlord before bringing home one of these furry little creatures.

Owning a cat can be very rewarding if you have the time and resources to look after them properly. However, if you rent an apartment or condo, this may not be possible. Make sure that your landlord is okay with having a cat as an addition to their property before buying one!

You might also want to check out what kind of restrictions are placed on pets (and cats especially) by your mortgage company or HOA before making any decisions about whether owning one would be right for you.

There’s a perfect kitten out there for everyone.

If you’re interested in getting a kitten, but aren’t sure what kind is right for your lifestyle, then this blog post is just for you.

In this article we will break down what type of kitten might be best suited to your home so that when the time comes and you are ready to adopt one of these adorable furballs into your life, you have all the information needed on hand!

Kittens come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are very active and need lots of attention from their owners while others are more laid back and independent. Some kittens make great apartment pets while others enjoy spending quality time outside exploring nature with their owners during warm weather months. Knowing what kind of personality traits go along with each breed will help narrow down which cat would best suit both yourself as well as your household environment.


We hope this blog has helped you find the perfect kitten! Remember that there are so many kittens out there, and the right one for you will depend on your lifestyle. If you’re still uncertain about what kind of personality your new furry friend should have, we recommend visiting a shelter and spending time with some cats before making any commitments.

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