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How do you keep your cat busy? We all know cats like to sleep a lot and they can be pretty lazy. But if they’re bored, then they might get into trouble! In this article, we’ll share some fun activities to do with your cat when you’re not home or just need a quick break from cleaning up after them.
Cat hammocks
If you want to keep your kitty safe, try a cat hammock. You can hang them in the ceiling of a room, or on a doorframe. This way your cat has something to do while you’re at work, and they’ll have their own space without having to be confined in a cage all day long.
There are plenty of different types of hammocks out there too—some are just straight-up fabric hammocks that hook onto the ceiling like an oversized hanger for clothes (and cats). Others are more like tents made with fabric that goes around your door frame so that it doesn’t take up as much room in the doorway (and therefore looks less obtrusive). One thing’s for sure: whether or not you’ve got room for an indoor jungle gym, these accessories will definitely get your kitty’s attention!
Cat shelves
Cat shelves are a great way to keep your cat active while you’re not at home. They can be made from any material, but make sure they are sturdy and won’t fall easily. The height of the shelf is important too; it should be high enough for your cat to jump up on it but low enough for you to reach easily.
Using a cat shelf in this way will give your pet more space in which to move around and play, as well as keeping it out of mischief!
Looking outside
Looking outside:
Cats have much better eyesight than we do, so they’re more likely to notice things in the environment that we don’t. If you want to give your cat some extra activity when you’re not around, try training him or her to look out of the window for interesting sights and sounds. If you live in an area where there are wildlife or birds that may frequent your yard, this can be a fun game for both of you!
You can also teach your cat how to come back when called by teaching him or her what “come” means through positive reinforcement (e.g., treats). If a treat is used as a reward whenever your pet returns from looking out of the window, then he or she will quickly learn which behavior is most rewarding—and therefore more likely to repeat it again and again!
Playing with toys
You can also try playing with your cat using toys. Cats love to play and will be entertained by toys that move, jingle or make noise. Your cat may like to bat at them and even chase them around the house, which is great for keeping him or her active!
Toys can also be used to stimulate your cat’s mind and keep them occupied when you’re not home. Many cats are very intelligent animals and enjoy problem-solving games such as puzzle feeders where they have to work out how to get food out of a container by sliding pieces into place. This keeps them mentally stimulated on their own while you’re away so they don’t feel too bored or lonely!
Finally, some cats love having soft toys available for snuggling with – this is especially true if you have more than one cat in the household (the usual number being two). So if this sounds like something your pet would enjoy then go ahead! Just make sure that any toy has no buttons or bells on it because those could cause injury if swallowed by mistake.
Treats and puzzle feeders
Treats and puzzle feeders are an excellent way to keep your cat entertained when you’re not around. Cats love treats, so the treat game is a great way to play with your cat. Puzzle feeders are also a lot of fun for cats who like food puzzles. You can also use these as rewards for training!
Most importantly, treats and puzzle feeders can help with weight control in indoor cats. If your cat gets bored or doesn’t have enough activity, they may overeat which can lead to obesity and other health problems. But if you make sure they have plenty of toys, they will be less likely to overeat because they get more exercise than just lying around eating all day
Catnip mouse toys
Catnip is a herb that excites and stimulates cats. While there are many different types of cat toys available, one of the most popular is the catnip toy. These toys can be used to help keep your cat entertained when you’re not around.
Catnip is known for its ability to stimulate felines and some pet owners even use it as an alternative treatment for health problems such as arthritis and stress. When your kitty gets a whiff of this herb, he’ll go absolutely wild! The active ingredient in catnip triggers the same receptors in the brain that produce happy chemicals like serotonin and dopamine—so if you’ve ever wanted to see what happens when an adult human takes too much ecstasy at once (without making any long-term commitments), give this little green plant a try!
Scratching posts
How do you know if your cat is bored?
A list of ten signs that might indicate your cat is bored, including the following:
- Your cat has an increased appetite.
- Your cat is spending more time sleeping or laying around relaxing than usual. The best way to tell if your cat is bored and needs something to entertain him/herself is by observing their behavior patterns. If they’re not as active as usual, or if they look tired all the time, it could be a sign that they are feeling understimulated and in need of entertainment!
Laser pointers
If you have a cat, then you know that they love to chase things. Laser pointers are great for this because they move quickly and make a bright light. You can buy a laser pointer at any pet store or online, but if you don’t want to spend the money on an expensive toy, there’s another option: making your own!
All you need is a flashlight and some cardboard (crumpled up paper will work in case of an emergency). It should look like this:
Paper bags
Paper bags are great for cats because they can be used as a hiding place, toy, scratching post and tunnel. They can also be used to store your cat’s treats in.
The cat will love the crinkly noise it makes when he walks over them and if you have one of those old paper bags that has been opened then this is perfect because it will make a really loud sound when your cat plays with it or jumps inside of it.
You can find lots of different things to do with paper bags in this article from PetMD:
Small play tunnels
Small play tunnels are great for cat’s that like to hide and play. Cats like toys that are small and easy to carry around, so their play tunnels need to be light and easy to move around. Some of the best options include:
- Catnip mousies
- Catnip bubbles
- Catnip mice
There are many things that can keep your cat entertained.
There are many things that can keep your cat entertained. Making sure your cat is healthy before you start any activity is important. Your vet should be able to help with this. Make sure the toys you give your cat are safe and won’t hurt them if they chew or bite on them. It’s also important to store the toys somewhere where other pets won’t eat them, as some may be toxic to other animals if ingested.
You should have a good number of toys for each day so that when one gets lost or destroyed, there are plenty more waiting in reserve!
As you can see, there are quite a few things you can do with your cat when you’re not around to keep them entertained. The best thing is that most of these activities don’t even require electricity or batteries! Cats love to play and explore so it won’t take long for them find something fun on their own accord. If your cat doesn’t seem like he wants anything more than some snuggles from time-to-time then this list may not be for you but if he gets bored easily or might need some extra stimulation then try out some of these activities together today!