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Some people just don’t like you. That’s a tough thing to hear, but it’s true. Some people are jerks, plain and simple. They don’t mean to be jerks; they were just born that way, like some people have blue eyes or blond hair. It’s not your fault that they don’t like you.
This is hard to accept when you’re the one being disrespected by someone who doesn’t respect you (or anyone else). But once you realize this truth about some people—that they really don’t have anything against you personally at all—it can be easier to put things into perspective and move on with your life instead of wasting time and energy worrying about what other people think of you or trying to change their minds about who they believe themselves to be as human beings.”
Some people just don’t like you.
It’s true. Some people just don’t like you. They may not even know why they don’t like you, but they don’t. It’s as simple as that.
It can be frustrating to feel like someone doesn’t like you when it seems like everything else in your life is going well and there are so many other people who do. But the truth is that some people just don’t have your back or support what you’re doing and that doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with either of you—it just means that those two things aren’t compatible at this time.
If someone has expressed dislike for you, then chances are good that their issues stem from one of these three reasons:
Jealousy: Think about times when someone has been jealous over something in their own lives? Maybe it was a promotion at work, or maybe it was getting married before them—either way, when someone feels threatened by another person’s success (even if it isn’t directly related), then they will often act out against them in order to regain some sense of power or control over their situation–and sometimes this manifests itself into aggression towards others who might represent something similar (in terms of status). Threatened identity: Not all mean behaviors come from jealousy alone–sometimes people simply do not want others around them because they threaten their sense of self-worth or identity–and thus try very hard to push those people away by making them feel bad about themselves so they won’t come back again! A lack interest/connection: Sometimes we forget how important relationships really are until we lose one; whether through death or distance–we need each other more than ever before because without human interaction life becomes lonely very fast!
You know why they don’t like you.
You know why they don’t like you.
You’re not a good listener and you never ask about their lives or show any interest in them. You’re also not a very good friend because if they need to vent, you either tell them how to fix the problem themselves or ignore them altogether. You probably come across as too competitive and critical when there’s nothing wrong with your work efforts at all (and besides, who doesn’t want to be better at their job?). You might even be accused of being bossy due to your natural ability to lead others when needed and having an opinion that matters! Your inability to take constructive criticism may cause people who aren’t used to being told “no” from time-to-time feel uncomfortable around you—and perhaps even offended if they think your intentions are maliciously motivated against them specifically by nature of saying no at all…which is usually only reserved for close relationships anyway! Finally there’s always that one person who feels threatened by any sort of competition: whether it’s grades or sports teams or even just conversations between friends; someone will always feel threatened by what makes us different than ourselves. They’ll call us naïve for trying too hard despite knowing nothing about our situation beforehand; but also too shy because we don’t speak up soon enough when necessary.”
You are not going to be able to change their minds.
You are not going to be able to change their minds.
You can only change yourself.
If you try to change someone else, they will probably resent you for it.
You can only control how you feel about it.
You can’t control how other people feel about you. You can’t control what they think of you. You can only control how you feel about yourself and your actions.
Don’t worry about what other people think of you or say about you because it doesn’t matter. Their opinions of you don’t affect who YOU are as a person, only YOU know that!
If someone says something mean to me I try to just brush it off and let my self esteem be unaffected by their words because at the end of the day I know that I’m loved by family, friends and even strangers who have no idea who I am but still care enough to give me advice because they saw me struggling with being bullied on social media by one person then another sent me messages telling me that he saw what was happening so he had messaged this girl telling her not to bully me anymore (even though she continued sending mean notes).
You need to forget people who don’t respect you.
You need to forget people who don’t respect you.
You’re going to come across mean people in your life. You can’t help it: there will always be one or two out there who are rude and obnoxious, but that doesn’t mean you should waste any time on them. If someone doesn’t like you, then they don’t like you — move on! Don’t let the negativity of others bring down your mood or make you feel any less capable than they do themselves.
Don’t worry about people who don’t like you.
If you’re being bullied or harassed by someone, it’s important to know that you’re not alone and there are people who can help. If you know the person’s name, contact your school principal or assistant principal, guidance counselor and/or school psychologist immediately.
If you don’t know the identity of a bully but still want to report their behavior, contact your local police department or speak with a trusted adult (such as a parent or teacher).
If someone doesn’t like you, it’s best to forget about them. They’ll go away eventually.