Today is National Dog Day – Celebrate with These Adorable Fan Suggestions


A day for dogs is a great idea. Dogs are one of the best things that have ever happened to human beings, and seeing them happy and healthy makes us happy too. I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite breeds below:


Puppies are cute. They’re fun. They’re good for the soul. And they’re a great way to spend time with your kids. Whether you have a puppy or your kids have a puppy, it’s no doubt that puppies bring joy into our lives every day of the year—but today especially!

To celebrate National Dog Day, we’ve compiled some of our favorite puppy photos from around the web so that you can enjoy them too!

Golden retrievers

  • Golden retrievers are excellent family pets.
  • They are large enough that they can easily protect your home and family, but not so large that they will take up all of the space in the house.
  • A golden retriever is great with kids and other pets (especially dogs).
  • You can bring them along on errands or vacations without worrying about any problems arising with strangers or other dogs.
  • They’ll even get along fine with cats too!


Boxers are a medium-sized breed of dog, originating in Germany. They were originally bred as hunting dogs, but are now often kept as pets.

The Boxer has a short coat and one of the most identifiable features is its brachycephalic head; meaning their face is shorter than other breeds of dog. The Boxer’s coat can be fawn or brindle with white markings such as chest spots or a white underbelly. There have been over 300 different recognized boxers throughout history!


Beagles are a breed of small-sized hound that originated in France and Spain. They have a short, squat body and a long tail. Beagles are one of the most popular dogs in the world, partly because they’re easy to train and friendly toward strangers.

Beagles are good dogs for families or individuals who want an active dog but don’t have enough space for a large animal like a Great Dane or German Shepherd Dog. Their temperament makes them great family pets—they love to play but won’t necessarily destroy your house if left alone for long periods of time (unlike some other breeds).

Bernese mountain dogs

The Bernese mountain dog is a very large and cuddly dog. They have a beautiful white coat that is easy to groom, but needs to be brushed regularly. They are loyal, friendly and good with children and other pets.

The Bernese mountain dog will train easily because it loves to play, but it’s also content to lounge around the house with its family.

French bulldogs

French Bulldogs are small, stocky dogs with a wrinkly face. They were bred for companionship and show.

They are active and playful, but also very stubborn! They don’t shed much either.


Samoyeds are white with a blue-gray muzzle, black eyes and nose. They have a thick coat that sheds only twice a year. These dogs are friendly, playful and energetic. They can be stubborn at times but they make excellent companions for families with children or other pets.


The bulldog is a breed of dog with a wrinkly face and a distinctive pushed-in nose. These stocky, muscular dogs are known for their friendly, even temperament and their loyalty.

Bulldogs are often depicted in popular culture, including comic strips such as Peanuts and anime (meme) culture.


If you’re looking for a smaller dog with lots of personality, consider the Pomeranian. The Pomeranian is a toy dog that originated in Germany. They are known for being very friendly and affectionate and have a long life span (12-15 years). Their fluffy coats come in many colors and patterns, including white, black/brown, red/brown/black and tan/white.

Shiba Inu

There are many dog breeds in the world, but none are as cute as the Shiba Inu. This Japanese breed of dog is a small and compact dog that was originally bred for hunting and killing small game. The Shiba Inu originated in Japan over 2,000 years ago and has been used for hunting and guarding purposes for centuries. They were specifically bred to hunt wild boar, deer, bears and mountain cats (the last three animals can be found on the coat of arms). Because of its tenacious temperament, this breed was also used as a guard dog since they do not bark much but will still defend their owners with fierce loyalty when needed — this quality makes them perfect companions if you live out in rural areas where there may be dangerous wildlife or thieves trying to break into your home at night when everyone’s asleep!

The Shibas are very alert dogs who love being outside exploring nature; they enjoy walking along trails that lead through wooded areas where they can go off leash because it allows them room to run around freely without worrying about cars passing by or other dangers lurking nearby like predators looking for food sources because they’re hungry too.”


Corgis are adorable little dogs that have a long history with humans. They’re friendly, loyal and easy to train (which makes them perfect for kids). They don’t shed much and they aren’t too large so they can fit in small spaces like apartments. Corgis are also known as good watchdogs because they will alert you when someone is at the door or near your property.

Dogs are adorable and human beings should celebrate them, today or any other day.

Today is National Dog Day, so it’s time to celebrate all things canine.

You have a dog. You love your dog. But do you know how to celebrate the national holiday right? Here are some suggestions:

  • Watch Marley & Me and cry into a box of tissues while eating chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles because that movie is just too sad but also so beautiful and poignant and perfect in every way possible (except for when they kill off poor Otis at the end). It has everything that makes dogs great – loyalty, companionship, unconditional love – plus amazing acting by Owen Wilson who plays almost as well as he does on Saturday Night Live! The movie will make you want another dog (even if the last one was not-so-great), or it may make you reconsider getting one at all (because if we can’t even take care of one puppy properly what hope do we have at taking care of two or three?). Either way, it’ll put tears in your eyes which means you’re doing something right if that happens!


There you have it – our list of the most popular dog breeds. We know there are many more out there, but we had to narrow down the choices and make a selection. If you want to see more pictures of these dogs or learn more about them then please visit our blog!

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