Top 5 Creepiest Things On The Bottom Of Your Shoes


I don’t think I can stress it enough: your shoes are disgusting. It’s not just that they’re full of dirt and germs, either; there’s also the fact that some people routinely shove their feet into them without so much as wiping them off first. But even if you’re generally good about keeping on top of your shoe-cleaning routine (and let’s be honest—you’re not), what’s lurking in there is still pretty gross. It might be time to reconsider those barefoot walks through the park. Here are five things we’ve found on the bottom of our shoes over the years:

1. Tobasco Sauce

You can find a variety of gross things on the bottom of your shoes. But nothing is quite as disgusting as a bottle of Tobasco sauce, which is made from a variety of peppers, including cayenne peppers and jalapeño peppers. If you ever find one in your shoe, we suggest throwing it away immediately!

2. A $10,000 Dollar Bill

A $10,000 bill is the highest denomination of currency currently printed by the United States Federal Government. The bills feature a portrait of Alexander Hamilton on the front and a vignette of the Treasury Building on the back. If you find one of these in your shoe, congratulations! You’re rich!

When would you expect to find one? Well, if someone dropped it accidentally on their way out of an ATM or bank and stepped on it at home before putting on shoes (which happens all too often), that would be one possibility. Another possibility is if someone forgot they had the money when they went shopping with clothes and didn’t realize until later whoopsie daisy I just spent $10K but oh well whatever…

3. Your Grandma’s Lost Wedding Ring

A wedding ring is a symbol of love, commitment and eternity. It’s usually worn on the finger, but some people also wear them on their toes or even in their belly button. When you get down to it, any part of your body can be pierced for jewelry purposes (although I don’t recommend piercing your genitals).

If you’re like me and have never thought about wearing a ring in a place other than your finger…well…now you know! You’ll be surprised how many people have done this before you!

The point is that losing one’s wedding ring can be devastating. A treasured possession lost forever? Not cool!

4. Dead Spiders

  • Dead Spiders

Dead spiders are gross. Dead spiders are scary. Dead spiders are the worst and most disgusting thing you’ll find on the bottom of your shoes, but don’t worry, they’re not poisonous (unless you eat them). They probably crawled into your shoe while it was on your foot and then died there, which means that they didn’t die alone—they died with you! This is why it’s important to check for these arachnids in all of your belongings before putting them away at night: otherwise, they’ll just keep coming back for more until eventually everyone forgets about them completely!

5. A Bunch Of Tiny Baby Feet

You may think of baby feet as cute and sweet, but you’d be wrong. Baby feet are gross. They’re also a good source of DNA for science, since they contain lots of good genetic material that can be collected and used to create clones of long-dead celebrities or other famous figures. But they’re still pretty creepy when you think about it—especially when they’re on your shoe!

They’re so creepy that sometimes scientists need to freeze them in liquid nitrogen before scraping off any skin cells with a scalpel and collecting them in test tubes for later use in cloning experiments.

Your shoes are disgusting

Shoe bottoms are a breeding ground for bacteria.

In fact, your shoes are one of the worst places to keep food and drink. The only thing worse than keeping food in your shoe is eating out of it—which you should never do. After every wear, wash your shoes with soap and water or disinfectant wipes and then let them dry completely (preferably outside) before putting them back on again!


The bottom of shoes can be gross. But don’t worry, it’s not just you! Chances are that whatever disgusting thing you found on the bottom of your shoes, someone else has had to deal with it too (and likely many others). It seems like the worst thing about this list is having to throw away an expensive pair of sneakers because they’re covered in germs or bacteria. Or perhaps finding dead spiders in your closet would freak anyone out! But hey, at least we all have something in common now 🙂

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