15 Dogs That Will Make You Say, “What the Hel?”


As a person who owns two dogs and spends a fair amount of time on social media, I have come across some seriously strange-looking canines. These dogs are sometimes so ugly they’re cute (or vice versa) — but in most cases, they’re just plain weird. What might be even more shocking than their looks is the fact that these pets exist at all!

This dog looks like an alien.

This dog looks like an alien.

This dog looks like a dog that is wearing a wig.

This dog looks like a dog that has been dipped in paint.

This was once called a “Cockapoo” … now it just looks like these folks are making out with a milk-bone.

This dog looks like it’s making out with a milk-bone. The owner shared that the pooch is actually a Cockapoo, which is a crossbreed between a Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. It’s hard to tell from this photo, but there’s some definite poodle in there—you can see its curly tail sticking out at the back. But other than that, it looks just like any other cocker spaniel (which is to say: adorable).

This makes sense: if you’ve ever seen two dogs doing their business under bushes, you’ll notice they often lie on their backs and make moaning noises while they’re getting busy. This behavior can be traced back to ancient times when some cavemen had sex with each others’ wives and were banished from their tribe by angry husbands wielding clubs made of wood or stone or whatever prehistoric people used instead of condoms (they didn’t have access to them).

Come on, guys. Let’s take the picture and move along.

This dog is definitely not impressed. In fact, he’s pretty sure that this photographer is going to be the death of him. He has a look on his face that says, “You are not my friend.” He’d rather be anywhere else than here in front of this camera, doing this for some unknown reason.

This dog is trying its best to not look like a dog. It’s failing miserably.

We know you’re thinking, “What the hell is this dog trying to do? Is it supposed to be a human? A cat? A bear? An alien?”

Well, yes. The answer is yes. You see, this dog has been told that humans look like cats and bears and aliens—and horses—so it’s doing its best to look like all of those things at once.

This might seem like some kind of cruel joke on the part of your pet’s owner, but don’t worry: they’re going to get their revenge soon enough!

The expression on this dog’s face says it all. He can’t believe what he’s looking at either!

In a way, this dog is just like you (and me). He’s trying to make sense of the world around him and wondering why some things exist. But unlike us humans, he doesn’t have language or social cues—he just has big eyes and an expression that says, “What in God’s name am I looking at?”

This dog reminds me of my friend who nearly peed himself after accidentally seeing two guys making out on his college campus. His face was completely blank as he stared them down; but then again, it was also kind of hilarious because one of the guys had a terrible comb-over and looked like a cross between Donald Trump and John McEnroe.

Yes, madam, I’ll buy one of your pugs, yet again. We do this every Monday and Tuesday, don’t we?

Pugs can be compared to chihuahuas or bulldogs in their cuteness and popularity, but these little pups are much more expensive than those other breeds. They’re also not as easy to train as some other breeds of dogs. They have problems with their health, too: they can have breathing issues and skin allergies. Plus, the food that pugs eat is more expensive than most dog foods on the market today!

To top it all off, pugs are notoriously difficult to housebreak—it takes months before they’re reliably going outside instead of peeing on your carpet all day long (and pooping too).

I’m not sure if these dogs rolled around in some paint or if this is their natural color scheme. Either way, it shouldn’t exist.

Dogs are awesome. I mean, let’s be honest: it’s hard to find a dog that isn’t adorable in some way or another. They’re beautiful and unique, even when they’re weird as hell.

However, there are certain dogs out there who exist on the edge of what is acceptable for mainstream society. These dogs may not be considered “normal” by most people’s standards, but we think they’re great just the same!

No questions left unanswered here — just pure curiosity about how the eyes will hold up for much longer!

If you’re wondering what this dog is looking at, so are we. Are those eyes about to fall out of its head? Is it trying to figure out what’s going on? Or does it just look like that because of the way its face is shaped? We may never know, but one thing’s for sure: This dog will give you a good laugh any day of the week.

No words are necessary with this one …. no words at all.

Sometimes you just have to let the pictures speak for themselves. That’s definitely the case with this one.

It looks like a dog, but it also looks like a cloud. It looks like a cloud with eyes and arms and legs, but it also looks more like a cloud than anything else. And that’s where I’m going to leave it—no words are necessary with this one …. no words at all.

Does this disqualify him from showing? Or does he get bonus points for scaring people out of the ring?!?

However, I think that it is a disqualification because it is not a dog. The rule says “your dog must be current with all vaccinations and documents must be provided at the time of entry.” You can only enter your actual dog into the ring. If you try to enter your neighbor’s cat, or someone else’s horse, or even just a cardboard cutout of something that looks like a dog but isn’t really, then that would be a problem!

Ron Perlman, is that you?

You know who looks like this? Ron Perlman. You know, Hellboy? He also plays Clay Morrow on Sons of Anarchy. You might be thinking, “Wait, does Clay have a dog?” Yes he does! And his name is Vincent!

Vincent is a Portuguese Water Dog, which has its origins in Portugal (duh) and has been used as a fisherman’s companion for centuries. They’re extremely intelligent and great with kids—none of the growling or biting that you might expect from the size of this dog. Some people even say they are “the perfect family pet.”

If you turned off your monitor right now and looked away for a second, I bet you’d find yourself thinking about this dog when you turn it back on and look at it again!

If you turned off your monitor right now and looked away for a second, I bet you’d find yourself thinking about this dog when you turn it back on and look at it again! And if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that the world needs more dogs like this one.


I’m sure you’ve seen some dogs in your life that have made your jaw drop — but the ones here are the ones that make me wonder if my face is actually falling off. If you know someone who has a dog like this, please send them my way so I can see it for myself!

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