FAQs about Kittens


Congratulations! You’ve brought home a little bundle of joy. But now what? As a new cat owner, you probably have lots of questions about your new friend. Here is our FAQ guide to help you with some common queries regarding kittens and cats in general.

What do kittens eat?

Kittens are mostly carnivores and they eat meat, fish, eggs and some grains. They can also eat fruits and vegetables. Kittens do not need milk like baby humans do; they drink milk from their mother until they are old enough to hunt for food on their own.

You might have heard that kittens shouldn’t eat dry food because it’s bad for them. This is not true! Dry food is good for your kitten as long as you make sure it’s high quality (look for at least 40% protein content). You don’t need to give your kitten wet food but you can if you want to – just make sure it has the same amount of nutrients as regular dry food does

How long are they pregnant for?

How long are they pregnant for?

When it comes to pregnancy, kittens are just like humans: they’re pregnant for about 63 days (if everything goes smoothly), which is why it’s so important that you get your female cat spayed asap. Cats can have up to three litters in one year if they aren’t spayed. Kittens are born without eyes and ears open; their eyes will be open after 10 days, but their ears might take a little longer because of the extra protection needed by those tiny little things!

How can I tell if a kitten is purebred?

To find out if a kitten is purebred, look for the following:

  • Pedigree- A pedigree is a document that lists the ancestors of an animal. It can be used to prove whether or not your cat is related to specific other cats and show how they are related. Many local shelters will have this information available on their website so you can see if your cat comes from a long line of purebreds before adopting her.
  • Breed markings- Each breed has its own unique markings that make it stand out from others in its category. If you want to know if your kitten belongs in one of these categories, just check out what kind of markings she has! This will help determine whether or not she’s part of any recognized breeds or families within that category. If she doesn’t have any distinctive features like these yet then there’s still hope for her chances of being “pure” later down the road when she grows up more (or even at birth).
  • Color code- Different colors also signify different types within each family due mainly because certain traits tend not reproduce successfully together over time due to genetic incompatibilities between two different colors’ DNA structures so over time we’ve seen different colors evolve separately into their own unique subgroups under larger umbrella terms such as “Colors” instead – for example blue cats could just refer specifically towards Siamese cats which would mean there aren’t many other breeds who share those genes either genetically speaking – it’s important too keep track so we don’t make assumptions based purely off appearances alone without checking first!

How much water and food should a kitten have?

  • How much water and food should a kitten have?

Kittens should eat food and water every 2-3 hours, depending on their size. Their stomach capacity is small and they cannot hold much food in it at once, so they need to be fed often.

Start with wet cat food (not dry) and add some water as you feed to make it easier for them to swallow. You can also use kitten food if you want because of its high protein content; however, if you decide not to do that then just remember that kittens need plenty of protein in their diets so go easy on the dry foods such as dog food or regular cat chow!

How do I get my kitten to stop biting and scratching me?

  • Teach the kitten to use a litter tray. If you’re training your kitten to use a litter tray, make sure that it has access to its own room or area of the house where it can go and do its business.
  • Show the kitten how much fun toys are. The best way to do this is by playing with your kitten with different toys so it knows what they’re for and gets used to them quickly.
  • Make sure your kitten has enough exercise. A young cat that doesn’t get enough exercise will be bored and frustrated, which could lead them being more likely to bite or scratch you, or other people or animals in your household.
  • Make sure there’s plenty of space for the cat at home so they don’t feel confined or limited in their movements around the house when you’re not watching them (such as when sleeping).

How long do kittens sleep?

In general, kittens sleep 16 hours a day. But this figure varies according to their age and health. The average cat sleeps about 2/3 of its life, which means that they usually sleep more during the night.

However, it should be noted that there are exceptions to this rule; for example: cats with unknown backgrounds or those who live in shelters may have slept less during the day than at night due to stress caused by human interaction. In addition to that, kittens who are very ill or injured tend to sleep more during the day because they feel exhausted from all the activity needed for survival (eating food) and other activities such as keeping themselves clean etc..

Do cats get their periods back after being spayed?

Yes, cats can get their periods back after being spayed. Spaying is a surgical procedure that removes the ovaries and uterus of female cats.

It is a routine procedure for female cats to prevent unwanted pregnancies, as well as to reduce the risk of certain diseases like mammary cancer and pyometra (infection of the uterus).

However, sometimes females may experience a condition called hormonal imbalance which can cause bleeding similar to menstruation in humans during or after spaying surgery.

How can you tell a male cat from a female cat?

You can tell a male cat from a female cat by the “bobble” and the “mound.” The bobble is on top of the head, while the mound is on top of their body. Male cats have a larger than female cats.

Male cats have larger testicles, while female cats have smaller urethra’s (the tube where pee comes out).

Can kittens drink cow’s milk?

Yes. Kittens can drink cow’s milk but it should be diluted with water, not only to make it more palatable but also to reduce the risk of diarrhea and other digestive issues.

The milk given should be slow and small amounts as they are not designed to digest cow’s milk as a substitute for their mother’s milk which contains high levels of fat and carbohydrates.

If your kitten is sick or underweight, he may need kitten formula instead of baby formula or cow’s milk

What is the best cat food for kittens?

It is important to feed your kitten a balanced diet, so you will need to make sure that their food has the best possible nutritional value.

A good way to ensure this is by choosing foods with high protein content and water content. You should also try to find foods with a low fat content, as well as foods that have a high calcium and vitamin content.

When can kittens eat solid food?

You can start to introduce your kitten to solid food when it’s about 4 weeks old. To do this, you should moisten the food a little bit with water or milk and place a small amount of it in front of the kitten. You can gradually increase the amount as your kitten gets older and shows an interest in eating solid foods.

If you have any questions about introducing solid food to your kitten, please don’t hesitate to ask our helpful staff!

Why does my kitten vomit after eating dry food?

If you’re feeding your kitten dry food, he may start vomiting shortly after eating it. This is because kittens can’t fully digest and utilize all the nutrients in dry food. The nutritional value of dry food isn’t as high for them as it is for adult cats, so their bodies have to work harder to break down the kibble. If you feed your kitten only dry food, he’s going to become malnourished over time.

In addition to being less nutritious than wet food, some types of dry cat foods contain high levels of sodium and carbohydrates that can cause health problems like diabetes and heart disease later in life.

What are the signs of a sick kitten or cat?

If you are concerned that your kitten may be sick, it is important to take note of any changes in behavior or appearance. Common signs of illness include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy (a lack of energy)
  • Loss of appetite and/or weight loss

Your kitten may also start acting differently and become less active than normal. If this happens, consider asking a veterinarian for advice as soon as possible.


I hope this has helped you understand kittens more and also answered some of your questions about them. I am sure it will be a big help to you in raising your kitten or cat right and making sure that they are always healthy and happy

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