Natural Remedies For Dogs 11 Ways You’ve Never Thought Of To Treat Your Dog’s Itchy Skin


It’s raining, you’re in the dog park with your pup and he starts itching like crazy. You try to calm him down but nothing works. He’s just itching like crazy! Why is this happening? What can you do? The good news is that there are many natural remedies for dogs that will help reduce their itchy skin.

Using herbs

Herbs are a great way to treat itchy skin, as they can be applied topically or taken internally. They’re also safe and easy to use. Here are some herbs that can help relieve your dog’s itching:

  • Chamomile
  • Hops
  • Aloe vera (extract)
  • Calendula (extract)

To apply these herbs topically, combine them with coconut oil or another kind of carrier oil like almond or jojoba oil and rub the mixture into your dog’s skin. You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil for additional soothing effects if necessary.

Using apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent source of natural health benefits. It has been used to treat skin problems and other ailments for centuries. Apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse in your dog’s bath, sprayed on their skin as needed, or consumed by the dog in diluted amounts.

Apple cider vinegar has been known to relieve the itching associated with allergies and flea bites when applied topically. Many people report that it helps when sprayed onto the ears of their dogs who tend to scratch at them frequently because of severe itching caused by ear mites or bacterial infections. One user reported using apple cider vinegar spray as a treatment for yeast infection on her dog’s paws after applying Neosporin ointment without success; within two days she says all signs were gone!

Using oats

Oatmeal baths are soothing and can help reduce itchiness. They also have a calming effect on your dog, which can be especially helpful if she’s stressed out due to allergies or other skin issues. Oatmeal has been shown to improve the skin and coat of dogs with dry, itchy skin.

Using dandelions

If you’re looking for a natural remedy to treat your dog’s itchy skin, dandelions may be the perfect solution. Dandelions are known to be high in vitamin A which is beneficial for dogs with dry skin. They can also be used in a variety of ways including:

  • Adding them as food supplements (chopped)
  • Steeping them into tea and adding honey or lemon juice if desired
  • Making a poultice by crushing the plant and applying it directly on the spot where your dog has been scratching

Try a bath in plain yogurt

If your dog has itchy skin, try a bath in plain yogurt. Yogurt is great for moisturizing the skin and can be used as often as needed to soothe irritations and reduce itching. If you want to give your pooch a yogurt bath, simply pour some into his tub and let him soak for 10-15 minutes. If you prefer to rub the yogurt into his fur and skin, then just apply it directly onto his body after shampooing him first.

Try a bath in aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is a wonderful way to moisturize your dog’s skin and help reduce itching. It’s affordable, easy to find and safe enough for daily use.

To treat your dog with aloe vera gel:

  • Mix one part aloe vera gel with two parts water in a spray bottle or other container of choice. Try using a smaller amount of water if you want the solution to be more concentrated, or vice versa.
  • Spray on the affected area two to three times per day after baths or showers. It’s best not to use aloe vera directly from the plant itself because there are some poisonous bugs that live in it, so it’s best not take any chances!

Try aloe vera juice for drinking

Aloe vera juice is a natural anti-inflammatory, and it can help with skin conditions in dogs. Aloe vera is also high in vitamin A, which helps to keep the skin healthy.

To prepare aloe vera juice for your dog:

  • Cut off a leaf from an aloe plant and remove all the spines from it using a sharp knife or scissors (wear gloves if you don’t want to get pricked).
  • Cut it open lengthwise down one side with your knife or scissors so that you’re left with two halves of the leaf still attached at one end by its spine (like a banana peel). The inner gel should be exposed now; scrape this out into a bowl using your spoon or fork, taking care not to cut yourself on any remaining spines on either side of the leaf (if there are any left after removing all visible ones). Do not use gloves as they may absorb some liquid as well as protect against cuts/scratches on hands due to sharp edges; wear them only if necessary otherwise keep them off until finished preparing juice then wash thoroughly afterwards being careful not too touch anything else while doing so!

Using the healing power of honey

Honey is an antibacterial agent, which means it’s great for treating the bacterial infections that can cause itching and dry skin. It also has some healing properties and can help soothe the skin.

Honey is a natural moisturizer, so applying honey to your dog’s skin will keep it hydrated and healthy. In addition to its benefits as an emollient, honey also helps draw moisture from the air into your pup’s fur—so if you’re looking for a way to make sure he stays nice and supple even after being outside in the elements all day long (or spending most of his time indoors), this is one way you’ll want to try!

Put some coconut oil on their skin and nose to alleviate itching

Coconut oil is a great moisturizer for your dog’s skin and nose. It also helps alleviate itching by being a natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antifungal and deodorant. The best part? Coconut oil is natural and safe to apply directly to the skin of your dog!

Just apply coconut oil after bathing or swimming as needed.

Put some coconut oil in their food to help heal from inside out.

When it comes to skincare for your dog, coconut oil is a great source of medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are known for their ability to help with the absorption and metabolism of other nutrients in the body. In particular, coconut oil contains lauric acid which has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties that can help heal skin infections. It also contains capric acid which has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce itching, while caprylic acid improves the immune system’s response when fighting off germs and viruses like those that cause hot spots on dogs.

Coconut oil can be used topically or orally as well. You can use it straight out of the jar (just make sure you avoid getting it into their eyes) by rubbing some onto affected areas but if your pup doesn’t like this idea or if you’d rather not deal with messy applications every day then making your own dog treat recipe will allow you to add even more relief from inside out!

Your dog needs itch relief and natural is better than chemical options.

Your dog needs itch relief and natural is better than chemical options.

The best way to treat your dog’s itchy skin is with natural remedies, which are safer and more effective than chemical treatments. Chemical treatments can have negative side effects on your dog’s health and they’re often not as effective as natural options. The most important part of treating your dog’s itchy skin is identifying the cause of their itching: allergies, fleas or dry skin? Once you know what’s causing the problem, you can start treating it naturally.


If you have an itchy dog, it can be a big problem. It will make them uncomfortable and even cause them to scratch themselves until they bleed. You need to help your dog feel better, but with all the chemical products on the market today, how do you know which one is right for your pet? We have provided some natural remedies for the itchy skin of dogs that are safe and effective at getting rid of those irritating bumps quickly so that everyone can get back to having fun!

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