The Great Escape Why You Should Let Your Kid Get A Puppy…Or Two


I know that a puppy is not for everyone. There are a million reasons why getting a dog isn’t practical, and if you don’t have time or space, I get it. But if you do have time and space—and especially if you have kids—then I think you should consider getting a puppy.

Not just one puppy, but two! The truth is that having two dogs in your home will make everyone happier: the humans and the animals alike.

Dogs make you happier.

Dogs make you happier.

Dogs are great companions for children and adults alike. In fact, research has shown that having a pet can be beneficial in many ways, including increasing your level of physical activity and improving your mood by reducing stress and anxiety. This is because dogs provide unconditional love, which makes them especially valuable when times are tough or if you’re feeling down. They also encourage social interaction among kids—for example, teaching them how to interact with others through playtime—and this helps kids develop their communication skills. Furthermore, owning a dog can help parents feel less isolated when it comes to parenting responsibilities (which is especially helpful if they have older children who no longer need as much attention).

Your dog is healthier if you are healthier.

You’re healthier, and so is your dog.

Dogs are more likely to be obese than people. A study from the University of California, Davis found that 32% of all dogs in the U.S., or more than 55 million, are overweight or obese. While this number is staggering, it’s actually lower than it was a few years ago because owners are taking better care of their pets’ health by feeding them right and getting them exercise — just like humans!

A healthy diet for an adult dog should include high quality protein sources with low fat content (no kibble!), fresh veggies and fruit (both canned and fresh), soft treats like carrots or applesauce pouches made specifically for dogs with antioxidants added back into them after processing takes place; nothing fried!

More reasons to walk the dog.

Walking your dog is good for you, and can help keep you healthy.

It’s also great for your dog. Dogs need more exercise than most people think, and this will get them the exercise they need in a way that’s safe and fun for both of you.

Your walks are good for the environment too! For example, if everyone walked their own dogs instead of using cars or public transit it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by thousands of pounds per year (and probably save money on parking tickets).

When used responsibly and appropriately, walking dogs can be one of the best ways to build community in any neighborhood or city! Not only does it create a sense of belonging among neighbors by bringing us together as a group with common interests but also provides mutual support when one person struggles with their pet while another offers helpful advice on how to solve problems they might encounter along the way.

Dogs help your kids be better at school.

Dogs can also help your kid in the classroom. Studies show that children with dogs are better at problem solving and have a greater capacity for empathy than those without. Kids with dogs also seem to have a higher self-esteem, which can help them feel confident and ready to learn.

If you’re concerned about the health risks of having a puppy around your child, there’s no need to worry too much! One study showed that children who grew up with dogs were actually less likely than other kids their age to develop allergies or asthma—and it’s not just because they’re spending more time outside (though that does help). Another study found that young children who played with a dog every day had lower blood pressure and heart rates than those who didn’t have one at home

People with dogs have fewer social problems.

A study found that people with dogs have more social interactions than those without. They’re more likely to get out and meet people (and their dogs), which means a higher chance of making new friends and less chance of becoming anti-social or depressed.

To put it simply: Dogs help you make friends!

Dogs teach kids about death and dying.

Dogs are very doggy. They like to eat, drink, play and sleep. Sometimes they even get into trouble because of their curiosity or because they don’t listen. Dogs can also help your child learn about death and dying as they experience the loss of a pet.

When a dog dies, it’s important for kids to understand that there isn’t anything that would have changed how sad you feel about this holiday being over with no more presents under the tree until next year! The best way for your child to learn this lesson is by working through feelings together with you while they’re still fresh in your mind before moving on from them entirely so it doesn’t hinder any future relationships with new friends who might come along down the road (or at least maybe not too many).


Dogs make you smile. They make you laugh. They’re cute and adorable, they’re great companions and they’re great for your mental health. There’s a reason that people of all ages love dogs so much—it’s because of their silly antics, lovable personalities and ability to make us feel happier when we’re down in the dumps.

Give it a try. The worst that will happen is….

So, give it a try. The worst that will happen is you’ll be a better person, a better parent, and a better friend. You might even end up being more than that: A better neighbor or citizen. And perhaps most importantly—a much happier pet owner!

The whole family benefits from pet ownership, especially if it’s a puppy.

A puppy is a great addition to any family, especially one with kids.

There are many benefits to having a dog in the home, and that includes teaching your kids about responsibility. When you get a puppy, you have an opportunity to teach your children about caring for another living creature. You can start by showing them how important it is that they be responsible for feeding and watering their new friend every day. If you have more than one child, designate tasks based on age or ability levels so everyone feels important and capable.

When something goes wrong with the puppy—and it will at some point—you’ll want help from your kids as well. Whether it’s cleaning up after an accident or taking him in when he gets sick (which happens often), having responsibilities around the house will help your child develop good habits later in life when they move out on their own or take care of other people’s pets when they’re visiting family during holidays!


I’m a dog person and have been my whole life. I love them, and I know that you will, too. If you’re looking for a new addition to your family or just want to give it a try, please consider adopting a puppy!

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