Budgies 101 Basic Facts For Beginners


There are many benefits to adopting a budgie. Not only are they beautiful and fun to watch, but they’re also inexpensive to care for and can live for many years if given proper attention. If you’re considering getting your very first pet bird, here’s everything you need to know about budgies.

Budgies are small birds native to Australia, where they play a keystone role in their ecosystem.

Budgies are small birds native to Australia, where they play a keystone role in their ecosystem. Budgies are social birds who enjoy living with other birds. Budgies eat grass seeds, fruit and vegetables.

Wild budgies arrive in large flocks and eat grass seeds, though they also eat fruit and vegetables.

Wild budgies arrive in large flocks and eat grass seeds, though they also eat fruit and vegetables. Budgies are social birds who enjoy living with other birds. They can form very close bonds with each other, so if you have more than one budgie it’s important to establish a pecking order early on so that there are no fights over territory or mates. Budgies are colorful, fun-to-watch birds that will brighten up your home!

Like all parakeets, budgies are social birds who enjoy living with other birds.

Like all parakeets, budgies are social birds who enjoy living with other birds. They like to be in groups and should not be housed alone. In fact, they can become depressed and even die if they are not kept in a cage with at least one other budgie friend.

If you’re going to get just one bird and want it to live happily as an only bird of its kind, it’s best for you to choose a single-colored budgie that has been hand fed by humans from birth (such as this little beauty).

Budgies are brightly colored and fun to watch.

Budgies are brightly colored and fun to watch. They are also small, inexpensive, and readily available. Budgies are social birds who enjoy living with other birds.

  • Budgies have a lifespan of up to 20 years in captivity if they are properly cared for.
  • Budgies have bright colors that make them easy to spot in flight or while they’re sitting on your shoulder!

Before you get a budgie, you should select the right cage.

When you’re purchasing a cage for your budgie, it’s important to make sure that the cage is large enough for the bird. The recommended size is 24″ x 18″ x 15″, but if you can get something larger, it will be better for your budgie in the long run.

You’ll also want to buy a cage with at least one perch and one food dish. The perch should be sturdy so that your bird can grip onto it while they’re sleeping or eating; if there isn’t enough room on the perch section of the cage, then consider purchasing an additional one (or just making sure that you have plenty of time each day for cleaning).

Also remember: don’t forget about safety! It’s essential that you have some sort of door covering on top so that no predators can reach inside and harm your beloved pet bird.

To give your pet all the space it needs, your cage should be at least twelve inches long and eighteen inches high.

To give your pet all the space it needs, your cage should be at least twelve inches long and eighteen inches high. This allows you to have a variety of toys and perches that will keep your bird entertained for hours. Your budgie’s wingspan will also be able to move freely in this size cage.

Most cages come with an attached seed dish, water bottle, and food bowl but if not then these are easy to find online or at any pet store. You can use paper towels as a substrate if you don’t want to use sand or wood chips because they don’t smell as much when wet, however I prefer paper towels because they last longer than wood chips but both work fine!

You should exercise your pet by letting it out of its cage for extended periods of time every day.

You should exercise your pet by letting it out of its cage for extended periods of time every day. This is really important, because when budgies are confined to a small space all day, they often become depressed or even aggressive. If you want your bird to be happy and healthy, make sure that it gets plenty of exercise throughout the day.

You can let your budgie out of its cage in a few different ways:

  • You can set up an indoor playpen where the bird can hang out while you’re at work or school. This is great if you live in an apartment building with no outdoor space. The playpen should have plenty of toys so that your budgie doesn’t get bored; we recommend putting some mirrors and things that move around inside as well!
  • If you have a large enough yard (or another part of the house), then set up an outdoor enclosure for your pet outside so that it has lots of room to fly around freely without worrying about accidentally hitting any windows or getting lost around the house! Just make sure there aren’t any cats lurking nearby because they might try attacking them while they’re flying around outside…

The best time is usually after sundown, when the temperature has reduced from the daytime heat and your bird is ready for a good night’s sleep.

This is a great time for you and your new budgie to bond. Most budgies are active after sundown, so it’s likely that yours will too. A good way to get started is by making sure she has all of her basic needs met: food and water, bathing water, a perch and some toys.

If you want your bird to be happy at home with you, don’t forget about the basics!

The best time for this is usually in the morning or in late afternoon, after your bird has had time to wake up and eat breakfast.

Budgies are social birds and enjoy living with other birds. If you want to get two of the same kind, it’s easy to do so. But be aware that if you do give your bird another budgie, it’s a good idea to separate them overnight so that they don’t compete for food or attention in the morning when they wake up together. You should also make sure your new budgie has been around people before meeting your existing one, as some birds can be aggressive towards others they’re not familiar with.

Budgies like to be able to bathe themselves by splashing around in clean water that you change daily.

Budgies like to be able to bathe themselves by splashing around in clean water that you change daily. Clean water can be changed daily, or more often if necessary. The water should not be too cold for your budgie, as this can cause them to get sick.

Getting a budgie can be a rewarding experience as long as you do your research first.

It can be a rewarding experience to get a budgie, but only if you do your research first. Budgies are not the most adventurous birds and can easily become stressed out. To make sure that your bird has an easy transition into their new home, it’s important to make sure they’re introduced gradually and properly into their new environment.

If you aren’t sure what kind of cage or toys would best suit your budgie’s needs, consult our guide on how to choose a cage or get some tips on how to decorate the habitat!


Budgies are a great way to add some color and fun to your life. They are small birds that can be kept in small cages and will bring joy to your home with their bright colors and playful personalities. They’re also easy to care for, as long as you provide them with enough space in their cage and keep it clean every day by wiping it down with a damp cloth. With all that being said, if you’re looking for something new in your life then why not try getting a budgie? It’s like having another child except without all the hard work!

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