Diabetes in dogs is a chronic disease that can affect dogs just as it affects humans.
diabetes, a disease that affects anywhere from one in 100 to one in 500 dogs and cats. Since 2011, diabetes diagnoses in pets have increased by 32 percent in canines and 16 percent in felines and just like humans, dogs can be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes can impact the pets’ quality of life and relationship with its family. It can reduce play time, impact mobility and affect the lifelong general health of your dog.
Some dogs are more prone to gaining weight than others. That is more genetic that diet related.
Although diabetes can’t be cured, it can be managed very successfully through changes in your dog’s diet. These changes start with a suitable diet that is based on good quality diabetic dog food.
In addition to a change in the dog’s diet, some dogs that are diagnosed with diabetes might need medical help according to their diabetes type and state of development.
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What is diabetes?
According to the American Kennel Club,
“Diabetes mellitus, or “sugar diabetes,” is the type of diabetes seen most often in dogs.
It is a metabolism disorder. Metabolism refers to how the body converts food to energy”
in terms of the disorder, diabetes in dogs has 2 main types:
• Insulin-deficiency diabetes:
This is when the dog’s body isn’t producing enough insulin. This happens when the pancreas is damaged or otherwise not functioning properly. Dogs with this type of diabetes need daily shots to replace the missing insulin. This is the most common type of diabetes in dogs.
• Insulin-resistance diabetes:
This is when the pancreas is producing some insulin, but the dog’s body isn’t utilizing the insulin as it should. The cells aren’t responding to the insulin’s “message,” so glucose isn’t being pulled out of the blood and into the cells. This type of diabetes can especially occur in older, obese dogs.
Female dogs can also develop temporary insulin resistance while in heat or pregnant.